• Aim.

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Mark bit his lower lip as he looked outside the window, waiting for the other to pick up.

"Fuck come on! Pick up the damn phone!" He cursed underneath his breath as his eyes followed the men down the street.

Haechan buttoned up his shirt as he gulped trying to come up with an escape plan.
He desperately wanted to go home as soon as possible.
He bit his lip as he tried to think of something.

"Go contact that woman you met downstairs." He blurted out.

"You know her right? She might be able to help us out." Haechan continued as he stepped closer.

Mark turned around with a frown and quickly grabbed the card she gave him earlier.
He dialed the number not breaking his stare from the brunette making the latter even more uncomfortable than he already was.

Haechan avoided the other's piercing gaze hating the situation he was in at the moment.

The room fell silent again.

Haechan could faintly hear the ringing sounds of the call.
He bit the inside of his cheek hoping that she would help them to get back home.

"Yes Hello? Yeah I'm Mark. Can you do me a favor?" Mark asked as soon as the call was answered.

"Yeah upstairs. Alright." And so he hung up.
Finally breaking his gaze from the brunette.

The black haired ruffled his hair annoyed as he sat down on the messy bed, impatiently tapping his feet into the floor.

After afew minutes, they heard a knock on the door and soon that same women from earlier entered.

Haechan could smell her strong perfume as soon as she entered the room.
She was now wearing a white silky dress instead.
She looked around and then her eyes fell on Haechan and after a few seconds of staring she finally looked at Mark.

"Didn't know you actually would. It's quite a mess in here." She mumbled with a faint smirk as she scanned the room, making the brunette blush immediately.

"I didn't. We were being followed, we had no choice than to put up an act." Mark answered clearing his throat.

"I see. So what's the problem here?" She asked her face now more serious.

"They've surrounded this whole area. I can't get out of here. Get me a car and some clothes we can change into. Also a gun if possible." Mark replied

The woman kept quiet as she looked at the black haired with a serious look.
She let out a sigh before speaking.

"What are you up to Lee?" She finally asked.

Mark sighed as he shook his head.

"I'll explain later. Just help me this one last time, I need it." He said

She nodded as she grabbed her phone and started to message someone.

"Wait here, I'm sending Yuta." She then turned around walking out before stopping, turning towards Mark again.

"Don't make the boy suffer. Finish what you started Lee." She said as she walked out finally closing the door behind.

Mark cleared his throat as he looked down awkwardly shifting from his seat.

"Don't they have any fucking bathrooms in here?" The brunette hissed not wanting to escalate the tense atmosphere.

"It's behind you. But nobody uses it and I dont think the stuff still works in there." The older replied

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