• Life.

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"Obey me or fucking die miserably you asshole." He whispered and pushed him back down.

Haechan groaned as he tried to fight back against the older who was pushing him down.

"Cut the fucking crap. You know damn well you can't get away from here. And if you do, I'll find you and torture you until the day you die." Mark warned grabbing his hair forcefully making him wince in pain.

The older let go of the younger and sat down on the couch in front of the bed.
He sighed and ruffled his hair in frustration.
Grabbing his phone, he looked through the messages he had received.

"Sir. You need to attend school, else they'll call your dad and it will end up being a big issue. Also it will make him suspicious."

Mark groaned again throwing his phone somewhere on the couch and leaned back while shutting his eyes.
How the fuck is he supposed to attend school.

He can't do that when the younger is here.
His whole plan will flop then.
But he can't ditch school either.

But he remembered that the younger was his classmate.

What if he goes to school together with him.
It will be risky but.. he has no other choice.
He can keep him with him to avoid any problem.

Mark sat up and looked at the younger on the bed.
Haechan was currently glaring at him with a deathly stare.

Both kept staring at each other, only if eyes could kill.
Mark then stood up and walked towards the bed.
He slowly took the tape off of the younger's mouth and looked down to him.

"What's your background?" Mark asked

Haechan just glared at him, clearly angry.

"I saw that shabby house of yours, if that's what you call a house. I also know that you do live alone. Both your parents are unknown. You have no guardian or what so ever. You also don't have any siblings nor friends." Mark mumbled tracing his finger along the younger's jawline.

"Tell me while I'm asking nicely." Mark said averting his gaze now to the younger's eyes.

"Why ask when you clearly did all your research and have the information." The younger said back clenching his jaw.

Mark grinned but it soon dropped.

"The thing I'm asking you is, where the fuck you came from. Why don't you have any blood related connections?" Mark said

"Why does that matter? Huh? What are you going to do with this unnecessary information?" Haechan groaned

"You know, I'm asking it for a reason. So answer me when I ask you something." Mark growled

Haechan glared but knew he couldn't no anything while being tied down.

"Both my parents abandoned me. Aunt was abusing me, so I run away. Lived on the streets for years and ended up buying that shabby apartment to live in and start a new life. But then you fucking came and ruined it, as if there was something left to ruin." The younger spat

"I'll give you a chance to restart your life. But the only rule is to obey me and stick with me everywhere. One wrong move and you're out. You'll live in a normal house instead of that trash house. The only thing you have to do is obey me." Mark said

"Think about it. Weather you want to restart your life or fuck it up and be a pathetic idiot for the rest of your shitty life." Mark said and walked out of the room.

Haechan groaned frustrated.
If only he could get answers back from the god above.

Why him? Why him of all people? Why?
He just wants to breathe for once.
To feel alive.
To feel what it feels like to be a normal human being.
To feel all the feelings normal people feel.
Love, anger, irritation, happiness, hopefull, excited..
Were all of these too much to ask for?

He sighed closing his eyes.

Even if he had managed to get the fuck out of here.
What would he achieve anyway?

Working in that stupid garage all night, attending school in the day time.
Trying to afford the fee by skipping meals.

Was he fighting for that shitty life of his?
Does he even want to go back?
Why should he fight for that?

Even though this jerk could kill him anytime soon, it wasn't as bad as that exhausting routine he called his life.
Every minute, second and hour was torture.
The thoughts kept on going through his mind making him almost go insane.

Why was he  abandon?
Why did nobody gave him the love he was longing for?
Why didn't he get used to being alone?
Getting used to hate?
Getting used to pain?
Getting used to failure?

Why was he still hoping for a miracle, for a god to listen to him, for an angel to help him, for someone to grab him from falling, for anyone to shelter him.

Why does he feel the urge to run away.
From everyone and everything.

He can't kill himself, so why not just accept this torture.
As if his faith knew any better.
He'll see whatever it brings to him, and see how long it takes for him to finally fall down and not have the strength anymore to stand back up.

Suddenly the door swung up, it was that jerk again.

"So. Did you think wisely or not?" Mark asked walking towards him

"What if I want to attend school." Haechan asked

"I'll allow you.  But just like I said, you'd have to stick with me 24/7. That's the main rule." Mark said

"I don't care. As long as I can go to school." Haechan mumbled

"Hm. Good. Remember, one word or wrong move and you're out. I can control every single person. You know that money makes everyone lose their vision right?" Mark smirked

Haechan just glared at him.
The older was right.
Money was everything these heartless people saw.
That piece of paper that decided your worth.
It was disgusting to him.

"Let's sleep for now. We'll have to attend school from tomorrow then." Mark said and turned off the lights lying down beside the younger boy.


Hope you guys enjoyed it and have a nice day💛

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