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𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞, 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐛𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐞


via laughs as if i've just made a particularly charming joke. "good one, wil, you nearly got me," she says, smiling. 

"oh no, i'm dead serious, v. come on, you've got to!"

"would you like for me to be torn to shreds by your fanbase, then?" she counters, left eyebrow raised. "they wouldn't," i say immediately, but upon quickly remembering what happens when people assume their favs are dating a person, i quickly revise my statement.

"we don't even have to tell them we're together! just be there, okay? i want you there," i finish imploringly, turning on my sunniest grin at full wattage.

"ughhh," she groans, pushing her palm against my face, turning it away. "you're so needy." she says in a joking manner. 

i pull her hand away, leaning in to give her a kiss, which she dodges, much to my dismay. "no kisses. yes, i will do the stream," she begins, but before i can celebrate, she holds up a finger to show that she isn't done.

"however," she begins, "i'll only stay for ten minutes. for tubbo, of course," she clarifies. "of course," i agree, mock seriously, before giving her a kiss on the forehead. "thank you," i say, pulling away only enough to get the words out unmuffled.

she rolls her eyes, but smiles nevertheless. "how could i refuse? just look at that face," she responds. 


"CANADA!!" dream shouts with full certainty, just moments before the screen flashes the word ENGLAND, and everyone is silent for a moment. 

then, all at once, everyone is laughing, wheezing, and, in tubbo's case, coughing their lungs out. 

"you have- you- EVERYONE HERE IS FROM THE UK!" laughs tommy, red in the face.

dream groans at his own stupidity, while i tell chat to give me a few moments before muting my mic and turning off my camera. 

i turn to via, and she looks a bit terrified. i nearly laugh at her expression, but decide that wouldn't be very tasteful, so i take her hand instead. "ready?" i ask. she nods, and i unmute and turn on the camera.

"hey, chat! this is my friend olivia," i start out as enthusiastically as possible, prompting about a million messages to come about in a flurry. actually no- the more accurate word for the storm of words on my screen would be blizzard.

"er- slow down chat i can't really see.." i start, trying to pick out a sentence amongst all the pog's in the chat, tommy shouting, "WOMAN!" in my ear.

 "ah! okay.. via, chat wants to know how we met! d'you want to tell them?" her leg is bouncing up and down in an anxious gesture, but she responds in a clear, slightly bored tone. 

"well, i was about three seconds away from going on break at my work when this guy walks in, looking dead as fuck. so then i take his order, immediately after which he gets down on his knees and begs for my hand in marriage. he did settle for friendship in the end, though," she smiles.

i burst out laughing at her exaggeration as chat immediately goes mad again.



coochiegrabber58 nikki has competition...


georgenotfound convert her before she can run

mybickphat ONE OF US. ONE OF US. ONE OF US. 

"they want you to start streaming," i say with a small smile. she laughs, leaning into the mic. "what's up bitches, bros, and nonbinary hoes? it's via, nice to see you all again," she says mockingly.

"THAT WAS PERFECT!" tubbo claps, dream and tommy joining in soon after. 

"STREAMER! STREAMER! STREAMER!" tommy chants loudly, whipping chat into a frenzy, everyone typing the words over and over. via laughs, shaking her head, holding her earbud away from her ear. 

"christ, i dunno if i could deal with all the screaming.." she smiles, holding her hands up. "SHE'S GOT TO BE A MINECRAFTER WILBUR PLEASE" screams tommy, backed up by tubbo's eager agreement.

"i'll give it a thought, tommy," she gives in, shaking her head, grinning. "YES!!!"  he yells before she can remind him that she only agreed to think about it. after a few more games, via grows impatient and i finally log off the stream, making the excuse of having to take her home.

"that was really.. something," she says when we're sitting on the couch, blissfully alone. this prompts a laugh from me at her bewilderment. she's told me that she sometimes watches just chatting streams, but clearly never with such an energetic group of people as us. 

"you do have time to run," i say, pulling her toward me by her waist, bare due to the crop of her t- shirt. touching her is like touching a live wire, sending sparks through my body, causing the hairs on the back of my neck to stand up.

her breath hitches a bit, a sound that nearly drives me mad. she looks up at me with those almost sparkling brown eyes, the colour of burnt caramel. 

"hi, wil," she says softly, her face so close i could count each individual mark in the constellation of freckles across the bridge of her nose. "pretty," i whisper in response. i can't help but stare.

she moves even closer, so close that her lips brush against mine. i resist the urge to press them together- waiting, yearning, hoping she'll lean even closer and do it for me. instead, she takes my hands into hers and whispers back, "dance with me"

my eyebrows knit together as she continues looking at me. "dance with you?" she nods, standing up. i immediately miss the closeness we shared just moments before, now left wanting. she drops one of my hands, reaching for her cell and queueing up a song.

she connects her phone to a speaker and takes back my hand, but only for a moment before guiding them both to rest on her waist, her leaning up to slip her arms around my neck, which she does surprisingly easily considering the height difference.

if you wanna dance, then dance with me...

the music is soft and dreamy, the lights are low, and via's scent is heady and intoxicating. 

it's pretty fast.. but this is what they do at parties, right?

she sings along to this next line, her voice soft and clear as she looks up at me, a smile playing at the corners of her lips.

and i know it's hard to tell, but i think i really like you

i spin her around, and when she comes back to my direction, i lift her up slightly so she's standing on my feet, giving her at least a small amount of height. she laughs at the gesture, and i swear the world stops spinning for a moment.

we keep dancing long after the song ends, swaying to the beat of our hearts, laughing and spinning around, and for a second i forget every doubt i've ever had, every problem i've ever faced, and all i know is her.

maybe this is what it feels like to fall.

recreational idiocy | wilbur sootWhere stories live. Discover now