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𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐡, 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐭

warning- there will be a slight make-out scene)


we're eating waffles at the nearest diner because tom's claimed that he's 'starving' when he proposes an idea. the place smells of coffee, bacon, and grease, an intoxicating scent, that of which fills your nose immediately upon entering. it's pretty empty, ours being one of the only tables occupied.

"via, listen," he starts, to which she immediately begins shaking her head. "nothing good ever comes when you say that, tomathy," she nervously laughs, twirling her hair a bit.

"agreed" i respond around a mouthful of food. via smiles over at me, causing me to turn pink a little, but it's interrupted when tommy makes to look offended, a dramatic hand resting on his chest with a shocked expression playing across his features. "well, i never!" he exclaims dramatically with wide eyes.

"but really, what've you got to propose, tom?" via asks, tearing apart a piece of toast as the butter on it seeps onto her fingers. "well, olivia, i'm so glad you asked! i propose-"

"vetoed!" i interrupt immediately, smirking. messing with tommy is part of the job description of being his (metaphorical) big brother, so i take it upon myself to do so whenever possible. 

"I PROPOSE," he continues, refusing to be interrupted once again, "that via takes up streaming!" he says with a wide smile.

this surprises me a bit, but it isn't like i haven't thought of the idea myself a few times, though having no way to bring it up without seeming pushy, i put the thought aside. but tommy was onto something, i had to give that to him...

"for once, i actually agree with you," i say, checking v's reaction to this. she seems thoughtful, which makes me a bit excited. seeing her talk to my chat so comfortably when i bring her on only proves that she's a natural at it. if i was to say i wasn't excited about this, it'd be an understatement.

"well i did say that i'd give it a thought," she begins, "and i have; honestly, tom, i think being a streamer wouldn't be such a bad idea for me to do."

tommy and i share a look, and we immediately lay off the jokes, becoming serious for once. "does that mean you'll try it out then?" he asks as he raises his eyebrow.

"i could teach you a few things," i offer, procuring a smile from her, which i return twofold. she was so adorable and i could tell she was excited about this new journey.

"we can talk about all that later. for today let's get tommy's vlog done and have some fun, alright?" she asks, to which tommy and i respond with a loud "YEAAAH!" as we finish our food.


"i cannot believe he's dragged us here," via whispers into my ear, while tommy films his intro.

"WE ARE AT A GO KART TRACK!!" he shouts to the camera, and i turn back to via immediately. "are you ready?" i ask, meaning both about filming and the very real possibility of people figuring about us being a couple. 

"always" she responds, giving me a quick kiss before tommy nears the end of his intro and turns to the camera on us.

"mother! father! parental units!" he exclaims at us. 

"you're adopted!" via shouts back immediately, shading her eyes from the sun with her hand, middle finger out. i laugh, thinking this should be interesting.

after half an hour we're finally on the track, via and tommy sharing a cart and me in one by myself because tom's refused to go on his own (his famous words being "don't abandon me, mother!"), and they're going significantly faster than i am. i had to admit this was thrilling and terrifying that tommy was in possession of such a fast vehicle.

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