The Prisoner - Janté Red

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"Bella is a lovely name. why are you down here Bella?"

She wouldn't speak just looked at me. With her piercing blue eyes her clothe's. Were raggedy as well her black hair was messy. Her eyes puffy she was definitely crying.

"Bella were you hiding from the bandits?"

"Scary men killed everyone..."

"Don't worry there gone now. It's safe to come out Bella you have my word."

I held out my hand giving her a soft smile. Hoping she'd trust me at least a little. She reached her hand out it was shaking. I gently took her hand and helped her get up.

"Are you hurt Bella?"

She shook her head no and stood shyly.

"Alright then come to our ship. The very nice ladies will take care of you and clean you up."


I held her hand as we walked. To my sister and the Captain.

"Bella it's not pretty up there. Would you like me to cover your eyes?"

She nodded and I gently put my hand over her eyes. Then followed Captain and my sister up to the deck. Onto Le Rosea Velenosa Abigail and Gwen took her down below deck.

"Hey kiddo you did a good job with the little girl."

"Thanks captain I'm glad I could help!"

"You did great I mean it. still ready to work?"

"Mhm what's next on the course? A island or a stop along the way?"

"Well on the ship we found a map the bandits had. We are going to go check that out. Then to the next island sound good kiddo?"



"We're going to be rich! Oh and when Bella is feeling better. She can come scout with me in the crows nest."

"Sounds like a great idea. I'll send her your way when she's feeling better."

I nodded and walked over to the mast and started climbing up. I'm a great climber so it was no problem. Even with the ship rocking left and right. I made it to the top it was just a dark blue water. As far as the eye can see it's calming in a way.

              I took out my tiny looking glass to look for anything interesting on the horizon. The crows nest was small. But it had a kinda bench that you can rest on. I sat down and looked out when I heard Bella. She had climbed up and she had new clothes. Her face was cleaner she just looked better. She sat down across from me shyly looking away.

"I'm glad to see your doing better."

"Thanks to you, I don't even know your name."

"Janté Red that's my name don't wear it out."

"Thank you Janté I owe you my life."

"No, Captain did the saving he took out all the bandits. He protects his friends and I don't think anyone can stop him."

"He does seem like a kind person. Your still the one that saved me Janté. I would have stayed there and starved to death. But you convinced me to come aboard Le Rosea Velenosa."

"I couldn't leave you there to die alone. No one deserves to die alone and so soon. They gotta have awesome adventures first!"

"Well I look forward to the adventures."

"Come here take a look."

I held out my looking glass for her to try. She gently took it and put it to her eye.

"Woah the view it's beautiful."

"It's amazing isn't it?"

She nodded with a smile on her face. It was refreshing to see her smile. It was also the moment I knew I'd had fallen for her. I didn't even know it.

"I see a shipwreck."

"Really let me take a look."

She held the looking glass out towards me. I took it and put it to my eye. She was right it was a shipwreck. On the edge of a small island it must've crashed in the dark.

"You're right we gotta go let Captain know."

"Im going to stay up here for a bit longer."

"Okay take your time I'll be close by if you need me. Just shout I'll be right over."

"Okay and thank you again Janté."

"No problem"

I started climbing down when I got to the deck I shouted.


He looked at me one hand on the wheel. With Abigail at his side also curious.

"There's a small island Northeast it has a shipwreck on it."

"Then we are here this is the place. The bandits marked on their map."

We moved the ship closer so we could swim to the island. The Captain organized a small group to swim to the island. He decided to take my sister, Gwen and another Rose who's name I didn't know. Abigail had walked over to me.

"Hey bud Rose told me that you like reading our adventures."

"I do enjoy hearing about your guys awesome adventures!"

"Then why don't you go get Bella then come to the captains quarters. I'll even let you pick the story you want to hear. Sound like a plan to you buddy?"

"Sounds good to me."

I jogged over to the mast and went to climb it again. By the time I reached the top I was greeted with Bella's beautiful smile.

"Hey Bella the captain and Roses are going to check the ship out. But Abigail invited us to read some of the crew's adventures. Would you like to come with me?"

"I'd like that."

I smiled with a blush on my face. As I started climbing back down the mast. I stepped on the deck and looked out. I saw the captain my sister and Gwen swimming to the shore. The shipwreck seemed like a giant treasure chest of sorts. I walked with Bella into the captains quarters. Bella sat on the bed and Abigail sat in the chair. I picked a random book with a blue rose on it. I handed it to Abigail and took a seat next to the bed.

"You can sit beside me Janté."

I shyly got up and sat next to her. my face bright red by now.

"Aww you too are so cute together."

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