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It had been months since what had happened at Celestia. Ei hadn't been to Teyvat in months to return the book she had borrowed from Miko. Months had passed, and the Abyss.... hasn't made a move It was quiet, and the archons knew something was off. How can it possibly be peaceful? It had problems with the catalyscm and the abyss every day, and now, after the fight at Celestia, it was calm, no sightings of hilichurls invading towns, no abyss mages preparing to destroy things, it was skeptical.

"There must be something wrong, how can everything be peaceful so suddenly? Are they up to something?" Murata growled.

"Asmoday said it's best to wait and prepare for what's to come, so shut up and do what she said," Kusanali muttered.

"But this waiting is killing me!" Murata snarled.

"Is that my problem? If this waiting is killing you, then die," mocked Kusanali.

"You pie-"

"Shut up, you two; if Asmoday hears you squabbling, you'll never see the light of day again," Morax growled.

The huge doors opened, and their creator entered, her heels loudly tapping on the floor. She sat on her throne, facing the sitting archons.

"Speak," she said, looking at Kusanali.

Kusanali nodded and reported on the previous results on the black liquid that they found.

"It was blood; it could even crawl when it came into contact with a living creature; it would travel inside the skin and directly to the heart, corrupting it and dominating the body,"

"Blood? Elaborate," Asmoday said.

"It was the blood of a cursed monster," Kusanali said. "If that blood touches you, it will corrupt your soul and make you one with the darkness." "We tested it on a rabbit, and the minute the blood touched the rabbit, it instantly changed into a monster," Kusanali continued.

"Is there any cure for this?" Tsaritsa asked.

"There is no... cure, we tried many different methods, it's simply aggravating the corrupted victim, the only solution is.... to kill the one who has been corrupted by the catalyscm,"

The only sound in the room was Asmoday's fingernails tapping on the arm of the throne.

"How can we remove the blood? There has to be a solution," Asmoday explained.

"The cleaning is easy; all we need is... the hydro archon to purify the blood all throughout Teyvat,"

"There is no trace of that moron," Murata hissed. "Remember, that archon cut all of us, and there was not a single word from that idiot."

A/N: idk what gender is the hydro archon

"Just he/she can purify the blood; those who have had hydro visions in Teyvat cannot; if they fail, it would only corrupt them," Kusanali explained.

Asmoday rose up and exited, saying, "Meeting dismissed, I will check into this more in my quarters, good work."

"Why is she dismissing us so quickly? Isn't this a serious matter? All lives are at risk here," Murata said.

"She said she'll look into it and try not to say shit about our creator," Kusanali stated.

"Lap dog," Murata murmured.

"What did you say?" Kusanali sprang up and was about to strike the pyro archon when Barbatos came forward.

"Now, we don't want Asmoday to know we're about to fight here, do we?" he said.

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