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Revenge is the most ugly Demon!!

It has been a week since Taehyung is waiting for Jungkook. He has promised that they will meet soon but the ravenette hasn't even tried to call or text him since the last time they both met...well, made out.

The last week had been busy for Jungkook. He has been trying to find the person behind the blast but to add to his frustrations, he hasn't even got a clue. Nothing has been under control since then. Golden five has been busy in taking care of Jungkook for some reason.

But Taehyung, he couldn't understand why Jungkook has not tried to contact him. He was sure that now, when Jungkook has gotten a taste of him, he will not be able to stay away from the blonde but no call or text from the ravenette was making him frustrated. He has work so hard to reach here but now, he don't know where his plan stand.

For the first two days, Taehyung was very happy because he knew what could had been keeping Jungkook busy as the news was all over Italy but as the week turned around, his worries and frustrations, both has increased. He has to do something if he want to keep his plan in action.

Currently, he was standing in his room where he had kept every information about Jungkook and had been constantly looking at ravenette's picture in which Jungkook has his signature smirk on his face. His blood was boing in anger and his mind was going crazy. Nothing was going like he wanted. He still hasn't Jungkook wrapped around his finger.

The frustrations grew too much and he threw the vase on the wall harshly, breaking it into millions of tiny pieces as he pulled his hairs.

'' Jeon Jungkook.... You can't forget me. You have to come to me. How can you live peacefully after giving five years of restlessness. I wont let you live in peace. You can't let go of me and move on, you have to crave me, you have to need me, you have to fucking trust me. My plan can't fail now, you can't win even without knowing that you were playing against me.'' Taehyung shouted in anger.

He can't lose after coming so close to his success.

He snatched off the picture of Jungkook from the wall angrily, looking at him with hatred he shouted again.

'' I will snatch this smirk from your face, Jeon Jungkook. I will take revenge of every fucking minute I had lived in lonliness researching about you. I will snatch your pride from you. I know what you love most......your ego?....Right?....I will keep hitting on it again and again until it shatters in pieces like you had left me shattered five years ago. and you know what Jeon.....I had started that from last week..'' Taehyung said, smiling through his tears looking at Jungkook's picture.

'' Nobody can hate you as much as I hate you, Jeon. I will sit peacefully only that day when I'll end you, when you will be nothing but a common man, a fucking commoner.'' Taehyung rolled the paper in his hand angrily, balling it into a ball and threw it into the trashcan.

'' And now, when I am close to that, I wont let you fail my plan so easily. I'll do anything to reach you....ANY FUCKING THING.'' The anger and pant up hurt surfaced and he started crying. He has lived his five years crying but he don't want it anymore.

He want to make Jungkook shed tears of blood.

'' I don't know what's stopping you? I have done everything accurately then what's making you stay away from me? You are a devil Jeon, Who lives on sex.....and when I am offering you that from the very first day then why are you still not here, still away from my reach?'' Taehyung asked nobody, anger and determination to take his revenge visible in his teary eyes.

He looked around him, he need to do something. He can't sit and wait for Jungkook to come. That will take hundreds of years at this pace and if he wants to make it quick, he will have to do something himself.....

He thrashed looking around, his mind and blood boiling in rage. He started throwing everything on the ground, snatched every sticky note from the wall and the documents containing information related to Jungkook which were hidden in the drawers, every pictures of important man that will help in his plan and every little detail of Jungkook's island he has get his hands over after seducing one of Jungkook's man and threw them into the trash can.

He walked into the kitchen hastily, his mind screaming only one word-revenge. He took the matchbox and walked back to the room and set all the papers in trash can on fire, and waited for them to turn into ashes. Once done, he took his laptop and some other important pen drives and hide it safely in his room, under the tiles of floor, a place he has specially built for keeping important things.

He took a vase placed on the night stand and threw it on the glass window of his room, shattering it. He pulled the bedsheets off the bed and threw the pillows on the floor, continuously rambling how he will reach Jungkook's collar at any cost.

He walked to his closet and started throwing his clothes out of it. Once satisfied with the mess he created, he walked into the living room and created the same mess there, pillows were scattered on the ground, vase was broken. remote was thrown on the floor and the newspaper lie scattered in the whole living room.

Next was Kitchen. He looked like he has gone crazy, shouting profanities, shedding tears, determination persistent in his eyes, he turned the whole kitchen into a mess and looked at the whole house satisfactorily.

Only one thing was left.

He went to the main door and broke the lock with a screw diver.

Once done, he wiped his tears and went inside to get his phone. He took a few deep breathes to calm his raging heart and dialled Jungkook's number. He only needed an excuse to call the ravenette and now, he has a solid one.

Jungkook picked up the phone at the fourth ring.


''Someone broke into my house, JK.'' He said terrified.

''Just stay there....I am coming to get you.'' A few rustles were heard from other side and Taehyung smirked.

Come Jeon Jungkook....Nobody can save you now!!



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