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In the dark room, a little sunlight illuminated the room making it look so peaceful. The two boys lied tangled together as one of them snuggled into other's chest who has his arms wrapped around the petite waist of the other. They both slept like they have been deprived of it since ages, like they hadn't known what sleep was until now.

The blonde snuggled more into the source of warmth, his hands fisting the fabric of his cuddle partner. A small smile formed on blonde's beautiful lips when he inhaled the familiar scent of a certain ravenette. He subconsciously nuzzled more into the warmth.

But he snapped open his eyes when he realised who this scent belong to. In the little light present in the room, he looked into the hard chest he was snuggled into, his hand loosening the fist holding the fabric on t-shirt as he slowly tried to pull away a little but the ravenette pulled him closer to himself making Taehyung's eyes widen a little.

The flashes of what happened before he passed out flashed in his mind. He gulped down when he realised who it could be who is cuddling him. His heart did the same thing again, it started racing and a flight of butterflies erupted in his stomach.

He lied still, not even breathing deeply as he waited for Jungkook to loosen his hold on him. Once the ravenette felt like the blonde isn't going anywhere, he let his grip loose and Taehyung got the chance to look upto Jungkook's sleeping face after pulling back a little from his chest.

His brown eyes roamed on Jungkook's handsome face which glowed even in the ill illuminated room. Taehyung noticed the long eyelashes that brushed Jungkook's cheeks, the raven hairs lying carelessly on his forehead, the small mole under his lips, the edgy sharp jawline, the small scar on his left cheek.

Unknowingly, Taehyung's hand went to trace the scar as he thought what could have left it. He had seen Jungkook from so close before too, but he never got the chance to praise his features. The mafia leader surely has got the most handsome face on this planet.

He stared at Jungkook's sleeping face like he don't have anything else to do, taking all his time, his eyes fell on ravenette's beautiful upper thin and lower full lip and the blonde wanted to taste them again....

His heart beat wildly inside his chest as his eyes roamed all over Jungkook's face again. He wanted to kiss that mole, that scar that only add to ravenette's beauty, his closed eyes, his cute button nose. Taehyung didn't realised what he was feeling or what he was thinking...he was just living in the moment where he was lying in the protective arms of Jungkook who held him close to himself possessively.

Like he is the most precious treasure for him.

And Taehyung is, definitely, the most precious treasure for Jungkook.

A small smile adorned his lips when he saw Jungkook snoring through his parted lips. The blonde's fingers itched to remove those hairs that fell over ravenette's forehead so without thinking anything, he blew the air making the hairs fly sideward, away from his forehead.

The hot breathe made Jungkook feel ticklish. He made a face making Taehyung chuckle slowly. He again blew the air making Jungkook make that face again. When Taehyung again teased the ravenette, he groaned a little and nuzzled into the crook of Taehyung's neck making Taehyung's breathe stop.

He lied in Jungkook's arm with his eyes wide in shock and surprise, his hands awkwardly placed on Jungkook's chest as the ravenette inhaled his scent making his heart to thud against his ribcage to just come out.

And Taehyung realise that Jeon Jungkook don't affect him.....he affect him to a great extent.

And the feelings he was confused about, they were not anything normal, they were something he can't afford to have.

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