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So here Luke is still a person but he has dog instincts and ears and a tail. Zander is the same but cat version. Enjoy!!

Type: Fluff

Luke smiled at his boyfriend whom was reading peacefully on the couch. He loved the sight of him so happy.

"Hey," the brunette whispered, interrupting the pianist's reading.

"What??" Zander looked up, slightly annoyed at his boyfriend. "I'm trying to read!"

"I know, but, I want cuddles..." Luke asked shyly whilst putting his index fingers together.

Zander flushed red, "W-what?" He wasn't expecting that.

"Please?" Luke gave him puppy dog eyes, the face Zander just couldn't resist.

He sighed, closing his book, "Fine." He huffed, crawling over to his lover, his fluffy ears slightly tickling Luke's nose.

"Better." Luke said, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend.

Zander cuddled up closer, rubbing his face against Luke's neck. He licked it, (like a kiss but they're animals) making Luke's tail wag slightly.

The pianist laughed at this, snuggling up more, licking his face lovingly.

Luke thought that was the cutest thing ever and his tail started wagging even more, slightly shaking the couple from underneath.

Suddenly he heard purrs, purrs coming from Zander. Luke's face went completely red. Zander was purring. Luke was trying his hardest not to squeeze him to death out of cuteness.

"Y-you're purring." He mumbled, shoving his face into Zander's beautiful purple locks.

The grape only cuddled closer, his purrs becoming louder and louder. "Mhm." He muffled, "I'm happy. Cats purr when they're happy, stupid." He teased, his tail wrapping around himself.

"O-ok." Luke squeezed out. He couldn't move. His tail wagged even more, shaking them both quite a bit.

Zander got up, "Luke, your tail is moving us too much. Stop wagging it!" He crawled off the drummer's chest slowly.

"I can't help it!" He argued, "I'm happy. Dogs wag their tails when they're happy, stupid." He mimicked Zander from moments before.

"S-shut up!" Zander crossed his arms. "Well we can't cuddle anymore."

Luke's face turned into a disappointed expression, "Why?" He asked.

"You're tail keeps wagging, it's distracting!" The grape explained, grabbing his book from the opposite side of the couch. He picked it up and started his reading again.

Luke wasn't impressed. "Well I can't help it that I'm so happy when we're cuddling!" He teased. "Come back over here! Or I'll tickle you!"

Zander's gaze shot right towards the brunette, "No you won't."

The drummer smirked, slowly crawling over to his boyfriend. "I'm coming!" He got his hands out and wriggled his fingers across Zander's stomach, lightly tickling him.

Zander burst out into fits of giggles, "OK!! STOP!! ILL CUDDLE WITH YOU!!" He shouted, still laughing uncontrollably from Luke's touch.

The brunette smirked, stopping his actions towards Zander. "No, I won't force you to cuddle me, as much as I'd like you to."

The pianist looked away, "Fine, I'll cuddle with you." He blushed "Just to shut you up."

Luke chuckled at Zander's comment and slowly took him in his arms and wrapped his arms around him. He tried controlling his tail wagging, but it was easier said than done.

Zander started up his purring again, flushing Luke's face with crimson. "You're allowed to purr! So why can't I wag my tail?" He asked.

Zander lightly chuckled, "You're tail's annoying." He said innocently, "My purring does no harm."

Luke rolled his eyes sarcastically at his lover. "Whatever." He smirked. "I love you, my little kitty cat~"

Zander blushed, Luke could feel the heat of his face in his chest, "Love you too, my stupid puppy." He laughed, "No, I'm kidding. About the part of you being stupid, not how I love you." He blushed slightly. "That will always be true."

The brunette smiled, nuzzling his face into Zander's hair once again, kissing his forehead. "I hope so!" He giggled.

They both just laid there, the sun setting. They both started feeling sleepy and fell asleep in eachother's arms.

End! This one was kinda hard to write, I kept getting writer's block lmao hope y'all like it tho❤️👍

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