The nest

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Once I stepped into the headquarters common room, I couldn't help but admire how relaxed and colorful everything was, compared to the hallway it was like stepping into another world and in a way, I did.

There were sofas positioned in the center of the room, with shelves filled with books on opposite sides of the room, with books I have never laid eyes upon before, but knowing they were probably very valuable and important, containing magical information of the utmost importance, which meant they were for eyes of those with clearance.

The books are definitely something I will check out during my time here.

"Magic?" I ask Eric, hinting to the curtain and he nods, grinning.

"Come on new blood, let's get you a weapon and a badge then I'll take you to Townsley." He says, hinting for me to follow him.

Eric leads me through the common room, which was currently empty as Eric mentioned the team was out on a mission, what mission I didn't ask, I will meet them all eventually sometime today, something I was not exactly looking forward to, but it's something I can't escape.

Deeman opens another door and it leads to a completely different room with a whole new vibe, more serious than the common room, the walls were grey and the floor was concrete, once I got further into the room I noticed lockers with name tags on them, and at the end of the room was another door with some kind of seethrough glass, filled with weapons.

"This is where we keep our personal stuff, I'll be giving you a key with a locker at the end of the day, and since this is your first day you get to pick your weapon of choice." Eric says.

I watch him put his palm to the glass, a keypad that was hidden suddenly appears in glowing numbers, I watch Eric input the code then walkthrough, as he had just walked right through the seethrough glass.

I follow him and that's when I get a serious look at what they're holding, weapons of all kinds, shapes, and sizes, some I have never seen, some I have used in the past, what impresses me the most is how most of these weapons are illegal.

"As you noticed, most of this isn't how we say 'society approved' so we stick to the usual dagger and firearm during missions to keep citizens and of course our boss happy." Eric said, holding out a dagger for me.

I nod and inspect the dagger, then the weapons in front of me, there are currently three large and long walls filled with so much potential. "Pick a good one, chances are it could save your life one day." Eric says behind me.

Looking around, I eventually see one that catches my eye, I put the dagger back where Eric picked it up then I walk to where the weapon that caught my eye was, once I got up close and took it off the rack and held it in my arms, I knew it was the one for me.

"Good choice, do you prefer close combat?" Eric asks, coming up next to me.

I nod and admire its craftsmanship. "It's well made, light, and durable, what more could a girl want." 

He laughs and shrugs. "Don't ask me, I'm as useless as they come when it concerns women."

Grinning I grip the handle of the Haladie dagger in my hands, I was right picking this weapon, it feels comfortable, having used similar weapons before I know this will come in handy if there is a time I would ever need it.

"We all use the same firearms here at Nest, although you do get to pick your own handgun, most prefer the one we are given, but the choice is yours." Eric says, placing his hand back on the glass door. "I'll be right back with your badge."

I watch him go and leave through another door, leaving me alone in the armory. 

I take my time in picking a handgun, and after looking I stick to the given handgun all agents get in MCIS, a standard magical firearm all agents use, the rosemary 1000, it's a fingerprint firearm that gets assigned to only one agent in its lifetime, it's a lifesaver if you ever may find your weapon in the hands of the enemy.

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