Bitter overcoming

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Rolan and I left the compound of his hideout together, without alerting any of his 'followers' of our departure.

With each step I can't believe how far I've made it, with Rolan Keen, the man I once loved, turned villain, turned betrayed then redeemed, it's a whirlwind of emotions the more I think of how messed up it all really is.

I knew we had to make things right, Rolan had a price on his head within the government for things he didn't do, if we managed to get to Townsley behind bars, I could help clear Rolan, with help from the evidence he spent years gathering.

Of-course he'd still do time, he's done things despite the things he is innocent for, he'll do time, luckily if we do this right, it won't be much, and he'd be out before Becca turns eighteen, maybe then... maybe he could finally have the relationship a father is suppose to have with their child.

"We'll have to travel by foot." Rolan says and I nod my head.

I followed behind him as we entered the small town city, there were only a few lights lit up on the streets which was perfect for us, and also a nightmare, Rolan had people walking the streets at night on lookout.

There way no way around it, we couldn't tell anyone what was happening, deffinately not his wacky followers, the only people I trusted was my team, Ren and Blake.

Blake... what will he say once he sees me with Rolan? More importantly, how can I stop Blake from killing Rolan the second he lays eyes on him before I could get an explanation in?

"When we get there...." I pause, still following him through the backally streets. "Let me do the talking, if you speak it'll only start a fight."

Rolan chuckled as he turned around to face me before looking straight ahead again.

"You mean your Alpha hothead?" 

I sighed. "Don't call him that... look, he will try and kill you Rolan."

"I can handle myself Lorelei, I've survived this long, no werewolf is going to kill me today." He spoke tightly before stopping at the edge of an ally.

Rolan pointed to a house across the street, with a dark blue door, it was a two story house, small and normal, nothing looked out of place, the curtains in the windows were drawn but the lights were on.

"That's where they are." Rolan said, making me look at him surprised.

They're there? "Are you sure?" I ask.

He gives me a look. "I can smell him much stronger now, he's there." He cringed. "Trust me."


I haven't seen him since the cabin, and since then it's felt like it's been years since I've seen him, and even though we aren't mated, I still long to be with him, even now, my heart is beating rapidly at the thought of just seeing him in only a few seconds.

"Let's go." I said before leaving the ally, and walking over the road, with Rolan following behind me.

It was pouring down but I knew the moment Blake opened the door, he would know it is me from my smell being so close, luckily he won't try anything and I can explain the situation without a fight.

"Remember what I said." I say as we stand next to the door.

I take a deep breathe and raise my hand and knock on the door three times, then wait.

One second... two... three, four, then finally what felt like an eternity, the door opens and there stands the man I had thought about for the entire time I was apart from him.

His eyes landed on mine, then as if something switched the moment he looked past me, it all happened so fast, one moment I felt like he would hold me and never let go, then the next he is pushing me aside as he shifts in a split second.

Blake shifted and pounced on Rolan, the rain was beating around us as I sat on the floor watching it all happen in what felt like slow motion, one second Blake was there, and next he's got Rolan on the floor, snapping his strong wolf jaw at his face.

Rolan had his hands on either side of his jaw and mouth to stop Blake from biting his head off, whilst Ren came up behind Blake and tried to pull Blake off from him.

I felt dizzy and I knew I hit my head when Blake pushed me aside, everything felt hazy as I watched the scene in front of me, the only thing to knock me out of it was the sound of crying.

"S-Stop. it, stop f-fighting." 

Like a switch had been flicked again, everything slowed down and felt normal again as all eyes, including Blake's who was still holding Rolan down with his large paw went to the stairs, where Becca stood with her hands in fists to her eyes.

I got up with the help of Ren and went inside the house as I went to my knees in front of my little girl, who felt so much taller than the last time I saw her.

"Becca..." I held my baby girl in my arms, as she cried, and hiccupped softly in my chest.

Everything felt quiet, when I turned around Blake was no longer shifted but in his human form, being handed a coat, whilst Rolan is getting up off the ground, soaked from the rain and dirty from the mud on the floor.

"Lorelei, what's going on?" Ren asked nervously, his eye shifting from mine, to his brothers, who was now standing watching Becca in my arms.

I shook my head and lifted Becca in my arms and rested her against my hip. "Rolan get inside before someone sees you, and close the door." I tell him as he nods his head warily with his eyes on Blake.

Rolan closed his eyes and quickly washed his face in the rain then came inside, shutting the door behind him.

Blake was a ball of flames, his eyes were pitch black and glaring deathly at Rolan, no doubt wanting to kill him, just as I thought he would the moment he laid eyes on him.

"Blake." I softly called his name, making his eyes snap to me.

He was losing himself, his chest was rapidly rising and lowering as he breathed heavily trying to control the beast inside of him, begging to be let free to finish the job on Rolan.

"Look at me." I stood in front of him and rested my hand on his chest. "I'm here, we're fine, I'm here with you now, ok?" 

"He's not going to hurt me, trust me, I'm fine."

I saw the look in Blakes eyes, the blackness was shifting to his normal beautiful color of green, until he was himself again, and trying to understand the situation.

"Lorelei, that the f- what is he doing here?" He gritted out, he brought me to his waist whilst his eyes glared at Rolan, who was sitting on the steps of the stairs.

"I'd also like to know." Ren added.

Rolan and I captured eyes and both silently agreed that I would do the talking, it was now or never, there was no time to explain everything and given the situation, if Rolan spoke now, Blake would rip his throat out with how angry he was.

"Rolan came willingly, it's a long story but we have proof." I said, as all eyes now land on mine.

"What proof?" Ren asked.

The room felt silent as I swallowed hard, my little girls head no longer in my chest but looking around the room silently. "Proof... proof that Rolan didn't kill my family."

"Townsley... Brett Townsley did."

The room fell silent, and I knew this was the first step to making things right, five years later it was time to end this all once and for all, to finish what what Townsley started and end the bloodshed.

It was time to overcome everything that he had done and work together, so that Brett could never harm anyone else again, but most importantly, to make things right.

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