From Darkness, come...

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Blake POV

"Will you try and sit down, you're making me nauseous."

I shot a glare at the filthy vampire Ren, hating how he could be so calm in this situation.

Lorelei has been gone a week, and with enemies surrounding us, there was no way to leave without being captured, caught or worse, engaged in a fight and risking not only my safety, but also Becca's, Lorelei's daughter.

I was only keeping my shit together because of the small child, if she wasn't here, I would've killed Ren by now.

Lorelei... please be okay.

I looked at Ren and Becca as they sat on the floor, a book in Ren's hand as he read her a story about the origin of vampires, a book I couldn't get past the first chapter without being bored.

"I'm going to try to get a signal." I announced, my work phone in hand.

Ren looked up at me and frowned. "You should wait, it's not completely dark yet."

It was dark enough, the puny vampire just didn't like being left alone encase someone came.

"I'll be close, don't leave the house." I warn him as Becca's small head rises to look at me curiously.

The girl is changing, I can smell the change coming off from her more thick each day, which could only mean one thing.

She's not a human, she's changing into a vampire, and soon this little girls instincts will kick in around me.

I have to be careful.

"You're in charge." I tell the girl, who smiled at me toothlessly. 

"Ok!" She excitably says.

I give Ren one last warning look before I leave through the front door, I put my hood up and step into the pouring rain as I entered the dark streets of the town we were currently hiding in, not far from where I suspect Rolan is keeping Lorelei.

I need to get her back, I'm almost at full strength and soon enough, I will stop at nothing to rescue my mate, and kill Rolan in the process, that filthy vampire who dares to take her away from not only me, but her daughter.

I needed to contact HQ and let the higher ups know of the situation, but every time I have tried, there had been too many of Rolan's goons patrolling the best possible locations to get a signal.

Townsley will surely be close to where our location is, I needed forces, wolves who were willing to storm Rolan's location and save Lorelei, who was still an agent.

I couldn't sit back and wait anymore, the wolf inside of me can't go on anymore not knowing that Lorelei's fate, making us more nervous with each passing day.

I should've bitten her, marked her as mine, if only I did then none of this would've happened, I would've gotten her out before Rolan and his goons had a chance to take her.

The streets were surprisingly empty, I could smell two vampires in the area, so I kept to the walls and kept a look out from where their scent was coming from, luckily for me the rain was masking most of my smell, as long as I kept my distance, I should be fine.

I made it to the same hill I found three days ago, luckily for me nobody was there so as soon as I reached the top, I turned on my phone and that's when I almost broke the phone from excitement.

There was three bars, I had signal.

Using the frequency I know Townsley and other agents will be on, I waste no time.

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