Chapter 7
I banged my head on the dash of our car while I listened to the most amazing voice in the world (note sarcasm) sing any random ear piercing song at the top of his lungs. Why I had agreed to letting John drive me to school, even I didn’t know. It was proof of how much I had missed him.
Sending furious glances at him I sighed giving up hope that he might have read my mind and realized how annoyed I was. At the sound of this he laughed and raised one of his hands in victory.
“I win!” He sang laughing.
“If you mean you just won last place in any singing competition in the world, than yes I agree. You won that! Congratulations!” I agreed.
“Hey! I wasn’t that bad… but I will accept any award above that happily!” He objected, still laughing.
“No can do. Last place or nothing.” I answered shaking my head.
“Okay, I deserve something better than that! Like I already said, I wasn’t that bad.” He objected again.
“Nope, you were horrible, terrible! Heck, there isn’t even a word that will describe what I just had to listen to.” I told him laughing along now.
“I know a few! Fantastic, amazing, wonderful…” He said between laughs.
“You wish!” I laughed.
“Oh, I don’t have to since I already am!” He told me self consciously.
“Sorry to break your bubble but you’re the opposite of that in this field.” I replied shaking my head again, hoping to clear his voice out of my head. It wasn’t something I wanted to live through again.
“I’ll prove I’m good! One more song and you will be begging me to sing!” He told me.
“NO, please don’t! I’ll do anything just don’t sing again! I will die if you do! Seriously!” I begged him now.
“Why? I really am not that bad! I can sing pretty well, just hear me out!” He begged me. This was going to end up pretty funny. One of us was going to give in sooner or later; I just didn’t know who it was yet. Hopefully we’ll cut the decision short though.
“I will not hear you out! You can do everything well, but you need to get the fact that you CAN’T sing through your mind! And yes, you are that bad!” I replied hoping he would give in. Just like I had hoped he did.
“Aww, your no fun!” He whined.
“Then I’ll be a boring girl just like how boring my classes and days are.” I replied without any emotion is my voice. I couldn’t let him find out the truth, even though after the looks he had given me yesterday it was obvious he knew something was up.
“That reminds me! Ash what really goes on in school?” He asked me turning serious now.
“I told you yesterday--” I started while trying to block my mind.
“Don’t go on giving me this. I know your hiding something. I saw it in your mind yesterday and the fact that you’re blocking your mind seems to prove this too.” He urged me. I knew this was something he wouldn’t give up on, especially if he could tell the problem was serious.
“It’s no big deal. Just a few personal issues… They’ll work themselves out. Hopefully...” I waved him off muttering the last part under my breath, inaudibly as far as I know.
“Sis, I know you better than to believe that. Oh, and just so you know, you’re already late to first period, but aren’t going anywhere till you tell me!” He off handedly replied.

WerewolfAshley is most definitely in love with Chris, but her 16th birthday could come and ruin everything. A crowd she has never talked to before starts trying to lure her to them while her old friends distance themselves from her. It seems as if everyone...