Copyright © 2011 Dora
All my works are copyrighted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. This includes all chapters, prologues/epilogues and associated content (i.e fanfics, teasers and content within blogs, social networks and eReaders). Any unauthorised copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distribution or selling of this work constitutes as an infringement of copyright. Any infringement of this copyright is punishable by law.
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Chapter 1
I slowly eased myself off the dirty ground shaking. I couldn’t feel any part of my body. All my limbs kept spiking abnormally and I was as freaked out as any person can get. My face was as pale as the wall; my eyes unconsciously shut themselves, willing my body to go to sleep, but the pounding in my head wouldn’t let that happen. A little sound kept urging me to crawl downstairs, to talk to my parents.
Finally next to the pounding and pain, I was able to make it down the stairs. I probably looked like some loony, but I couldn’t bring myself to care. The pain was too much. It was unbearable, uncontrollable. I didn’t think I would ever be able to survive.
“Come on Ash. You have to get to school now.” My dad fussed with me, sending a glance sideways towards my mom. They exchanged a look that I couldn’t place any words to. As well as I knew them, there were times when I couldn’t piece what they were saying together. It was as if there were unsaid things going on at the same time that I didn’t know about. After a while it easily got annoying.
“After that?” I panicked. Who knew when I would decide to repeat the horror of this morning... What if I did or said something suspicious and people realized I was some maniac? School couldn’t be safe for me today!
“Yes, after that. Now run along. Go with your dad,” My mother rushed me out, her face plastered with worry and happiness. The worry had a reason but I didn’t understand what she was so happy about. Having some freak kid?
“Can’t I just stay at home today?” I asked them confused. Hadn’t they seen what happened? Couldn’t they tell I was sick? Were they blind?
“No, today’s the first day of school, and you already missed your first class,” My mom shook her head. Only she would be able to think about something that didn’t matter at a time like this.
“We’ll be doing the same thing in class tomorrow too. Today we’ll just be talking in every period,” I told them, hoping they would give in. I would do anything but go to school. What happened in those first 45 minutes of my day was enough to scare me away from everything I had wanted to do the day before. Now I just wanted to curl up in a ball and stay like that.
“If you don’t go then you won’t be able to meet your classmates or new teachers,” My mom pointed out.
“Those never change. They’ve been the same for the past two years.” Our classes were always with the same teachers and students. The school just didn’t make the effort to change them. It helped though because we were able to easily memorize anyone’s schedules, and plan out our days.
“Well, maybe they’ll change this year.”
“They never do.”
“But, you want to see your friend’s right?” I could tell she was running out of ways to convince me.
“I can always see them when I’m better, or text them, and there is this thing called a computer. A day without them won’t kill me.”
“Oh, you’re going to school and that’s final!” My dad cut in. He probably realized I was winning.

WerewolfAshley is most definitely in love with Chris, but her 16th birthday could come and ruin everything. A crowd she has never talked to before starts trying to lure her to them while her old friends distance themselves from her. It seems as if everyone...