Chapter 15
I looked at the large blue clock on the wall counting the ticks as the time passed.
120 ticks and I sat down into the bright red chair in front of the door, next to the girl who was the next person in line after me. She had bright red hair a shade barely lighter than the color of a rose and eyes a light shade of gray. She was beautiful in her own unique way, and I thought about how she would fit into the group that kept cornering me perfectly. Her expression matched mine, full of fear and worry, and her foot was trembling. She must have had a hefty secret or problem weighing down on her too.
240 ticks and I got up and started to pace, only to end up sitting back down. The girl sent me a painful expression full of understanding, but it didn’t help one bit. It just made me even surer that she would have actually benefitted from the group. If they had cornered her and not me, she would at least be happy now.
360 ticks and I started to wonder why I really was going to do this. It was such a stupid idea, revealing all my problems to a person who actually had a line of people to listen to. I shouldn’t have listened to my brother and Megan. This was the one time I shouldn’t have gone running for help.
480 ticks and I became nervous about getting the reaction I feared. What if she thought I was crazy just like my friends had? What if she didn’t believe me? What if… I stopped myself getting a grip. I shouldn’t be so negative.
600 ticks and I wondered if I should leave. I still had a chance to escape, though that would only prove that I was weak and didn’t have any guts.
720 ticks and the door opened as the student who had been in front of me left the room. I actually recognized them as one of my classmates, just the way the girl sitting next to me was too.
840 ticks and the door opened for a second time as Mrs. Wolfe looked out and called me in with a smile on her face. I drew in a breath, returned her smile with a shaky one of my own and followed her in.
“Go ahead and make yourself comfortable.” Mrs. Wolfe said as she pointed at a large light brown leather couch across from an armchair the same shade. Hesitantly I sat down and started to analyze the room looking everywhere but at Mrs. Wolfe, who was now reading something on her clip board.
There was a beautiful wooden desk to my right and bookshelf lined the wall behind me. The walls were a creamy shade of white and the one behind Mrs. Wolfe was filled with various pictures taped up. None of them were from the same person though. Each and every one was from a different person, where a few people turned up more than once. I actually found Megan twice and my brother Josh three times, along with John once.
“Ah, I see you have found my picture wall.” Mrs. Wolfe recognized. “It’s filled with pictures of the students that I have taught and helped.” She explained.
“Hopefully you’ll be on that wall soon too,” She continued and I eagerly nodded. It would be nice to finally have all this behind me. “But before we can do that you need to tell me what’s going on.”
Less eagerly now I nodded again and started telling her about the less important problems I had like the group constantly cornering me, and my friends starting to think I was crazy because of the homeroom I was placed in and because they just thought I was acting different when I really wasn’t. If she had good advice for these problems and was understanding, than I would tell her my biggest, main problem.
“Well, it seems like you still haven’t told me something.” Mrs. Wolfe told me after I had finished with these problems, but leaving out the wolf part. I gulped as my palms started to sweat and I felt my face start to burn. I couldn’t believe I was going to tell her this.

WerewolfAshley is most definitely in love with Chris, but her 16th birthday could come and ruin everything. A crowd she has never talked to before starts trying to lure her to them while her old friends distance themselves from her. It seems as if everyone...