This is the full chapter 19.
Chapter 19
I stood between my parents gaping in awe. There was a giant fire which was surrounded by chairs. On the right side of the fire there was a podium with a microphone on it. On the left side of the fire there was a buffet surrounded with people various ages trying to get food. They were all in a line, some of them being sent to the end, while others were being sent to the front. They must have been getting in line according to their rank in the pack.
Around us speakers surrounded the small clearing in the middle of the woods. In the distance you could spot cabins and homes spread out in the woods. Each one told a story about the family who owned it. None of them matched, but they all did their purpose and blended in with the forest if you weren’t looking with a sharp eye. It proved that there were many people in the world and we could live in different ways, but in the end we were all just people… or in our case werewolves.
“Is everybody having fun?” A voice then asked through the speakers. As a reply there was a chorus of yes’s.
“Well, then everybody get yourselves some food and we can get started with the meeting!” The voice called out and everybody started into immediate action. I just stood there and watched as everyone fought their way into the line.
“Oh, Ashley I forgot to tell you, we have to get into the line! That was an order so go find the other Canis in the line and join them. After you get your food sit with them and turn your chair towards the podium. When the end of the meetings important part is announced turn your chair back around.” My mom told me turning back around, though I could tell she was having a hard time standing in that one place and not continuing towards the buffet.
“What about you guys?” I asked her.
“We have to sit with the Wolf’en, but we’ll see you after the meeting at the car.” She told me before allowing her body to turn back around and following the others into the line. It was a very funny sight. They looked like robots as they completed the order.
I stood there chuckling when someone came up behind me and started talking. “It’s a funny sight isn’t it?” Tyler asked me having a tight grip around Megan’s shoulders.
“Yes, it is, but how are the two of you here?” I asked them.
“Oh, right, well we’re werewolves too. Actually the whole group is who we hang out with in school.” Megan answered.
“So that’s why you said you could help me and have been so nice. But how did you guys know I was a werewolf?” I replied and Megan smiled.
“We get a list every year, we can smell the difference between werewolves and humans and your homeroom makes it pretty obvious.” Tyler replied and I just nodded, looking back at the robot like werewolves.
“How come you aren’t doing the robot like everyone else?” I asked them.
“We aren’t in the line because as future Alpha Male and future Alpha Female we got the job of getting you into that line.” Tyler laughed.
“Wow, I’m that much work? I have to have two people to get me in the line?” I asked him.
“Yes, you’re that much work.” He replied.
“And you two are mates then?” I asked.
“Yes, we are.” Megan answered smiling and Tyler smiled down at her.
“Now on with that assignment! Let’s go get in the buffet line.” Tyler stated and we both nodded agreeing.
“Wait; if it’s by rank wouldn’t you have to stand in the front while I join the Canis?” I asked them.

مستذئبAshley is most definitely in love with Chris, but her 16th birthday could come and ruin everything. A crowd she has never talked to before starts trying to lure her to them while her old friends distance themselves from her. It seems as if everyone...