Chapter 6

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Yay!!! 48 reads!!!! And I got a vote so YAY!!!!!! I'm drinking too much Starbucks!....Anyways, can we get more reads? I think we can :) I'm sorry for short chapters. I need to get more ideas. Also, I changed reality a bit so in this story, Cameron can drive. Just to make it easier.

*Jessica's POV*

After about 15 minutes after posting the video of the game, I already got a couple thousand in the world do they reply so fast?!

I scrolled all the way down to the bottom of the comments on my computer. It started out with an argument about who commented on my video first! HAHA!!!!! I love this kind of "drama." Then, people started to say to just continue my covers. It feels nice to know that they like to hear me sing :). It started to jell into people telling me to quit singing and start doing game play because they liked to watch people getting scared. The world is a crazy one...then again, I agree with them about watching people get scared part. After that, people suggested that I should do both or go on X-Factor and play games at the same time. I wasn't so sure about the last suggestion.

I replied to them saying that like I said in my Blank Space video, I only like singing as a hobby. I also don't think I'm THAT I? Eh, whatever. No big deal if I don't audition. I think I'm gonna stick with doing both.

I glanced at the time on my computer and back at the screen. Wait a minute. 5:55?! I'M GOING TO BE LATE FOR TKD!!!!!!! SHOOT!!!!!

I rushed into my uniform and grabbed my bag with my sparring gear in it. It takes me 10 minutes to get there! Don't forget the 6 minutes I took to get ready. I ran out of the house and ran as fast as I could to the building.

When I got there, I was panting like crazy and it was 6:11. Great. I'm late. "Miss Monroe, you're late. Get in line with the rest of us," Mr. Lee, my master instructor, said calmly. He was the type of man who was strict, yet nice, thoughtful, and calm. "Sorry, sir." I rushed to the mats. We did our warm-ups and training. We sparred a little, and during the last 10 minutes of the our hour, we played dodgeball. Oh yeah, this is my game. I'm gonna take them down. Everyone else was a middle schooler like moi.

It got down to me and this black stripe, Chase McCoy. I may or may not have had a wittle crush on him. Ok, maybe it's a big one. Anyways, it was down to Chase and me. He's good, but not as good as me. I know, I'm so modest, right? At least I didn't say it. I had 5 balls on my side and he had 3 on his. He threw all of them with very good aim, but I'm also very good at dodging. I even act like I'm dancing as I dodge. He had none on his side and I had all 8 on mine. I am so gonna win. I grabbed all 8 at once an started throwing all of them at him like a cannon. I think he made a little girl scream! HAHAHA!!!!!!

I think AT least 5 balls got him. I win uh huh! I win uh huh! I win uh huh!!!! "VICTORY IS MINE!!!!! BOW TO THE ULTIMATE WARRIOR!!!!!" I yelled as I punched the air with both of my fists. They (including Chase) laughed because they get my kind of humor. Ahh...this is like a second home to me.

After that, we all bowed to each other and were dismissed. I walked home like usual. On my way, I stopped at Starbucks. I walked inside and ordered a Caramel Frap. My favorite!!!! I got a few stares and glances since I was still in my uniform. "O my god! Are you Jessica?!" A little girl ran up to me. "What? Where? Who? You mean Jessica, the one on YouTube?" I faked. She giggled. "Can I get a picture?" "Sure!" A picture, autograph, and little convo later, my drink was FINALLY ready.

I walked out the door with my drink only to bump into some guy who looks vaguely familiar......oh come on! It's Cameron. UGH!!!!!!!!

*Cameron's POV*

After my I finished Night 2 of Five Night's at Freddie's, I ate dinner and walked to Starbucks. I mean, who here does not like Starbucks. *one person raises hand out of 1 million people* Well you cray.

As a walked in, I bumped into a girl who looks slightly younger than me and she's in a martial arts uniform. Before I could read the logo, she said, "Oh sorry! I spilled my drink all over you! Here sit. I'll be right back."

I just realized there was...hold on...*licks drink off shirt* mmm caramel frap. Whoever this girl was, she has great taste. Speaking of which, when I looked up, she was standing in front of me with some paper towels in hand.

"Ewww!!!!! Okay, first of all Cammy Wammy, I already drank that before I walked out and two, you drank it anyway." Oh wait a minute...hey! It's Jess! "Hey! Jess! I thought you forgot about the Cammy Wammy thing! Ugh! And anyways, I didn't know you drank it! It wasn't my fault!" "Yes, I remembered to call you that because I'm the fabulous person I am. Haha! And.....That doesn't matter! What about the part where you DRANK IT OFF YOUR SHIRT? You're disgusting," she argued back as she wiped the drink off my shirt.

"Well, just be glad I didn't get hot coffee. That would've been painful. Actually, I prefer to see you get burned by a drink." She smirked. She's feisty. "Jeez, I thought you were nice." "You don't know moi," she said as she dramatically flipped her hair. She has some kind of humor. I laughed at her. "Ahh, so I see you get my humor. Most people take my jokes too seriously and get mad." "See? I know you." "Yeah but not that well...yet." "Aww, do you wanna be fwends?" "Mmm hmm! And I just know, we'll be the bwestest fwends forever and ever and EVER!" She played along. "Pwomise?" "I pwinky pwomise," she smiled as she stuck out her right pinky. I wrapped mine around hers and she pulled away.

"Hey, are we gonna keep talking like little kids and babies?" She wondered. "I don't know. Guess it'll just happen naturally." "Kk. And.....done!" She finished wiping the drink off my shirt. There was still a wet stain, but I can just put it in the washing machine. When I got up, I noticed her logo on her uniform said, "OCMAA O***** C***** Martial Arts Academy." "So is that where you practice?" I asked pointing at her logo. "Yup. Hey, I gotta get home see ya!"

She started to run out but I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back. "Yesss???" She asked. "It's 8 o' clock. It's not safe to be walking in the streets at this time. I'll walk you home." "Awww, you're so cute. I'm guessing you're the protective type." "Only with those who I care about most." "You care about me?" She pretended to look shocked. We walked towards my car and I drove her home. "Yay! I just got promoted to OFFICIAL BEST FRIEND!!!!! Do I get a badge?" She jumped up and down like a little girl who was finally getting the toy she wanted. "Isn't the badge a bit much for a big girl like you?" "I'm not a big girl. I'm a 4 year old," she smiled innocently. "Haha very funny. And we're here! Bon voyage mi amiga!" I bowed.

"Bon voyage mi amigo!" She curtsied. And with that, she walked into her house with a smile on her face.

I love that smile.

Yay!!!! New record!!!! This is the longest chapter I wrote even though it is still short!!!! 1,223 words!!!! Yeah....I get excited even with the most unimportant things......yeah...*clears throat* guys, pls spread the word bout my book if you liked it and as always......




And FOLLOW.....ME!!!!!!


xxJoeyxx (Yes, I am a girl.) XD

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