Chapter 9~The Date & the Call That Changed It All

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"Haha! Well, here's my advice: who do you want to get to know more? Who do you feel like you have more of a connection with? If you feel like you should be with one of them, choose that person. Call the person you want to be with and ask them to come over to tell you your choice."

"Okay, I think I know who I want. When I get home, I'll call C-"

*Jessica's POV*

"-ameron. I want to get to know him more. I feel like I'm more likely to talk to him when I feel like I'm bored. I think I need him."

"Are you sure?"

"Are you trying to make me choose Chase?"

"Nope, just making sure!" We received our food and silently ate.


"Why do you do that when there's silence? It only makes it more awkward."

"I know, that's why I said it. It's also a great conversation starter."

"No it isn't."

"We're having a convo now aren't we?"

"Ugh! I will never get you."

"And I you." After we were both almost finished with our food, I added, "Is it normal for a parent to scold you for the smallest things?"

"Where did that come from?"

"Well-never mind."

"Jess, if something's wrong, you have to tell me."

"It's nothing."

"Jessica Monroe! Tell me or I will have to stalk you for the rest of your life!" By the look on her face, I could tell she was serious. After a few silent moments, I realized she wasn't going to drop the subject.

"Fine. Just let me explain all the way through. When I was little, my parents would make me balance books on my head, stay under the the laundry bin for an half an hour, spank me, all the normal stuff. It was usually for crying, I'm not sure. My parents argued a lot, attempted divorces many times, disciplined me, all the usual a parent would do. The punishments softened over time. Now it's just scolding from my mom. It would have been both of my parents since dad died in a car accident when I was about 8, as you already know. My mom just scolds me so much and always tries to emotionally scar me. How do you put up with it?"

"What do you mean how do I put up with it?"

"Well, your parents must do it, too. Every adult I talk to says it's normal for a child to be disciplined. How do you do it?"

"First of all, yes, it's normal for a child to be disciplined but your story is just almost beyond. Second, what I should be asking you is who do you put up with it?"


"How are you so happy all the time despite what happens at home? How do you keep your spirits up? How do you hide this for 14 years?"

"It's called acting. I'm faking how I feel. I need friends like you to have real happiness. I can't handle what happens at home. Sure, we have loving moments, but those moments never last long enough so I can enjoy it. I see the moment, reach for it so I can tattoo it into my heart, but when I'm just a millimeter away from grabbing it, it disappears in an instant. I saw an Instagram post that quoted Robin Williams, 'I think the saddest people always try their hardest to make people happy. Because they know what it's like to feel absolutely worthless and they don't want anybody else to feel like that.' I saw another post that said something like, 'I know that I'm not going to do it today or tomorrow, but I know that one day, I'm going to take away my own life.' It's scary how much I can relate. I just need help."

"Have you harmed yourself?"

"No. But yes if you count snapping a rubber band on my wrist."

"It's amazing how you can handle 14 years of torture and barely hurt yourself," she joked. I laughed along. A friend like this can keep me happy in the toughest of times. After we ate, she insisted to pay and walk me home.

By the time I was home, it was around 9, also known as my curfew. My mom is usually asleep by 8 so I'm good.

I said bye to Sky, took a shower, and changed into my pj's. I grabbed a rubber band on my night stand, slipped it onto my wrist and fell asleep. Before I was completely taken into Dreamland by my mind, I just remembered to call Cameron.

I pulled my phone off of the charger next to me and scrolled through my contacts looking for Cameron. He passed his phone number to me when he dropped me off at home from the hospital. I rung him and he answered within 4 rings. Surprisingly, he didn't sound tired. "Hey Cam. Still at the studio?"

"Yup. I'm so tired!"

"You don't sound like it."

"Acting, duh," he said as if I were stupid.

"Hey! Meanie!"

"Haha! So, whatcha need?"

"So, I talked to Sky and took her advice. Wanna go out tomorrow?"

"Sure, let me check my schedule." He took that very casually which concerned me, until I heard a "YES!!!!! YES!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!! WOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" in the background. I laughed when he came back and said, "Yeah, I'm free. How about I pick you up at 6 for a surprise?"

"Good acting dude," I laughed.

"Oh, you heard that?"

"No, I did not hear you in the background, screaming like you were desperate."

"" he hung up, obviously embarrassed. Just spending 5 minutes with him can brighten up my day by times INFINITY. I think I made the right choice.

*The next day*

I woke up and changed into some pink sweatpants and a grey shirt that said, "Bad morning, don't ask." It was quite funny to me. I went downstairs to cook my own usual, pancakes. Mom was at work at whatever job she does. She's not home in the mornings and rarely comes home before 8. Well, more freedom for me!

After I finished breakfast, I went back upstairs and watched TV while listening to some music on Spotify. Lunch came and I made some Chicken Alfredo. The rest of the day was the boring usual, until it was date time.

By 5 o' clock, I slipped on a casual, yet cute and occasional white dress with a faux leather brown belt. I complimented it with a sleeveless jean jacket, brown purse, and black high-heeled boots (in the picture above [boots aren't in the pic]). I straightened by brown hair, put on some blush, concealer, and eyeliner, and waited near the front door for the bell to ring.

I was on my phone on the couch and I glanced at the clock on my phone. The second it turned 6, there was a knock at the door.

YAYA!!!!!!!!!!!! DATE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Leave a comment below on what you want to happen next and as always......




And FOLLOW.....ME!!!!!!


xxJoeyxx (Yes, I am a girl. XD)

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