🏖️Beach Day🏖️ (Incomplete)

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Future AU with a bit of Jailey! Credits to Brii and Kristal's tmf next gen au on YouTube for Lan and Judy (they're 6 in this)!! Let's go!!

Type: idk

Zander picked up the beach towels that were laying on the couch, his other hand holding the lunch basket. "You ready to go babe?" He turned towards his husband, whom was packing up the other stuff.

"All set." He replied enthusiastically, zipping up the bag. "Where's Lan? Is he ready?"

"I'm here daddy!" Lan ran up to the brunette. "Can we go now!?" He asked, jumping up and down.

Luke smiled at his son's behaviour, "Yep! I think we're ready to go! Remember we're going to pick up aunt Hailey, uncle Jake and cousin Judy!"

Lan's face lit up, "Cousin Judy is coming?!" He asked happily. He loved his cousin. They'd play together for hours every time they saw eachother. And they hadn't seen eachother in a long time so Lan was, of course, excited.

Luke smiled, "Yeah, she's coming too!" He said, grabbing the bag with the buckets and spades. "And I've brought you guys some buckets and spades so you and Judy can have a sand castle competition!"

"Yay!" Lan said excitedly. "Can we go now!!?" He nagged his parents.

"Ok, ok, I'll get Autumn and her lead, then we can go, ok?" Zander dropped his bags and went to find the dog.

"Right, while your dad does that, we can help by loading the bags into the car, ok?" Luke took his son's hand and walked him outside to the car.

Luke opened the the car with his keys and loaded the backs into the back. "Do you want to sit in the back next to Judy?" He asked his son.

Lan nodded, "Yeah, I wanna sit next to her!"

Luke nodded, "okay." He smiled.

Zander locked up the house and walked down to the car, Autumn following behind. "So, seating arrangements?" He asked.

"Uh, well, I'm driving, so you could sit in the back with Hailey, Lan and Judy and maybe Jake in the front? And Autumn could just sit on someone's lap." Luke explained, opening the car door for Lan.

The black haired boy jumped into the car, Autumn following him and jumped on his little lap. "Hey Autumn!" Lan patted the golden retriever's head, earning barks and licks.

"Ok, that's all good." Zander agreed, getting in the car himself, "Let's go pick them up." He sat down next to Lan before the latter pushed him away, "No daddy! Judy's sitting here! Go sit over there!" Lan pointed to two seats over from his. The car was unusually laid out in the back row, there were four seats in the same row.

Zander laughed lightly, "Ok, alright! I'll move away from you!" He put his hands up infront of himself, shuffling along two seats.

"Right. Are we all finally ready?" Luke asked, adjusting the rear view mirror infront of him.

"Yeah!" Lan put his first in the air, excited for today."


"Hurry up Jake! Luke and Zander will be here in a minute!" Hailey nagged her husband, who was fiddling with his sunglasses. "Come on! Hurry up! Judy's already waiting!"

"Ok, chill out, princess! I'm coming, I'm coming!" The blonde picked up the few bags laying on the ground and followed Hailey out the door.

Suddenly they saw a grey car pull up outside, followed by several honks.

Judy's eyes lit up, "UNCLE LUKE!! UNCLE ZANDER!!" She ran towards the car eagerly before spotting Lan. He little face just beamed with joy. She wasn't expecting to see Lan. Her parents didn't tell her that he was coming. "LAN!!?" She opened the door and crawled inside the car.

"JUDY!!" Lan beamed as they shared a hug.

"MOMMY, DADDY!!" Judy shouted at her parents, "YOU DIDN'T TELL ME LAN WAS COMING!!"

Jake let out a chuckle, "Well why wouldn't he be coming?" He walked down the slope towards his daughter and the car. "Hey guys!" He smiled.

"Hey Jake. Long time no see, eh?" Luke opened the door and got out the car to hug the blonde.

Zander didn't think too much of that because his next words were, "Alright, come on, there's no time for greetings!" Luke could tell he was getting jealous.

"Zander, be nice." He muttered. He then turned towards Hailey. "Hey, Hailey." He hugged her too.

"Oh, hey Luke!" She smiled, retuning the gesture.

"Zander, are you really not gonna get out the car?" The brunette walked over to his husband.

Zander scoffed, "We're leaving in like, two seconds so what's the point?"

Luke just rolled his eyes then everyone got in the car.

"Let's get this show in the road!" Jake shouted, making Zander cover his ears, partly because of the volume, but mainly just because he just doesn't like Jake too much.


"I think here would be the perfect spot!" Hailey pointed to a sunny spot by some rocks.

"MOMMY WAIT FOR ME!!" Judy ran as fast as she could to get to her mom.

Hailey plonked all of the stuff down onto the sand and proceeded to put up the chairs.

"Isn't this a bit sunny?" Zander asked, Lan not far behind. "I want some nice shade too."

Hailey rolled her eyes at her step brother. "Wow, I've forgotten how much of a nag you can be, Zander." She said half joking. "We're not moving."

The grape just gave her a dirty look before looking around his sister's destination on the beach, "Where's Luke and Jake?" He asked looking around the beach.

Hailey shrugged, "I don't know, I thought you were with them." She said, not looking up from what she was doing.

"Well I'm not! I thought they'd already come down with you and Judy!" Zander nagged, before placing down a blanket and laying down on the beach.

"Is daddy lost?" Lan asked his dad, crawling next to him.

Zander sighed, "No, of course he's not lost. He's just gone somewhere with that SIMP- I MEAN uncle Jake!" He laughed awkwardly.

"Heh, wow Zander. Nice save." Hailey laughed, sitting down in her chair.

Suddenly they heard laughing. Luke's laugh. Zander recognised it straight away and shot up from the blanket, making his way over to the brunette.

"Oh, hey sweetie! We've got ice cream!" Luke beamed, carrying a tray of ice creams.

Zander looked down at the tray in Luke's hands, then at Jake's tray.

Luke chuckled, "Haha, don't worry! I got your favourite flavour. Grape."

Zander smiled at his husband, "Thank you." He whispered so quietly it looked like he just mouthed it.

"So, Zander! You still on cold terms with me?" Jake asked walking up to the pianist.

Zander looked at Jake like he had lost his mind before speaking, "No. I just have to protect my family from you."

The blonde laughed, "Well, I am your family now!" He giggled, "We're step brothers in law!"

Zander's face went pale, "Oh yeah." He said with no emotion in his voice.

"Anyway, let's get back to the beach!" Luke broke whatever this was and started walking back, Zander and Jake behind.


"Mummy, can I play with the buckets and spades?" Judy asked, skipping across the sand.

Hailey looked up from her book and smiled, "Of course you can, Judy! I'll get them for you."

"Me too!" Lan ran over to the teal haired lady. "I want one!"

"Ok, I'll get you both one!"

Okkkkk um so I kinda lost interest in this oneshot so I'm just gonna stop it here... Sorry...uh yeah I got horrible case of writers block on this one... And I didn't really know where I was going with the storyline...and it's been in my drafts for too long...ok bye✌️

𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 ♡ (complete//hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now