1. Loss

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Hello! This is the first scenario in my one-shot series. It was heavily inspired by one of @hsk2601's Percabeth One-Shots scenario, just flip-flopped, really. Thanks for reading! (Sorry if it's short, I'm writing this on a phone)


"Oh, gods..." Percy speaks to himself, hands on his head, pacing the hospital waiting room. A woman comes out from the doors leading into the patient wing. "Mr. Jackson, I think you may want to come with me." The woman says. Percy follows her into Annabeth's room. "Oh, my gods, Annabeth..." Percy whispers to himself while running to Annabeth's side. He kneels down next to her bed, next to Annabeth's motionless body. The heart monitor displayed slow heartbeats. Annabeth's breathing was shallow, and she looked fragile. "What's the news?" Percy asks the woman. "Well, we've put her in a medicinal coma, so she can recover." The woman sadly responds. 

"When will she wake up?" 

"When she's fully recovered, Mr. Jackson."

"Which is when?" 

"We don't know..."

Percy stood up and moved to the chair, which he barely moved from for the past two months. He was awoken to a loud, prolonging sound. He didn't know what it was until he looked at the heart monitor. All of the sudden, four doctors flew open the door and rushed in. "Clear!" The sound of the defibrillators flooded the room. No change. "Clear!" No change. The doctors gave up after four tries.  One looked at their watch and sadly said, "Time of death, 4:53 A.M." By then, Percy was full-on sobbing. He couldn't imagine a life without Annabeth. Something white in Annabeth's hand had caught Percy's eye. It was a piece of paper. How did he not notice it before? Regardless, he picked it up and unfolded it. The note read,

"To Percy, my Seaweed Brain,

If you're reading this, the worst has happened. I know that you're thinking that you can't live without me, but you can. You can't give up on life. You have so much left of it. I need you to be strong, to move on, to live. You may think that you have no one, but you will always have Camp Half-Blood, and I will always be waiting for you in Elysium. I love you, Percy. Goodbye.

From Annabeth, your Wise Girl."

Percy sobbed even harder, which he didn't know was possible. He folded the tear-stained sheet and put it in his pocket.


Percy made it to Camp Half-Blood. His eyes were red and puffy from crying, and his cheeks were tear-stained. As he made his way to the Big House, all of the campers backed away from him, even Clarisse. He flew open the Big House door, where Chiron and all of the cabin leaders were. "Percy-" Chiron attempted to say but was cut off by Percy. "Annabeth is gone." Percy held back tears. "What?" All of the camp leaders, including Chiron, seemed to say in unison. "She's gone, damnit..." Percy couldn't take it anymore. He broke down sobbing and sat on the ground. 

~~Three Years Later~~

Percy lay in his bed. Another sleepless night, thinking about Annabeth. She had died three years ago, but the burden of her death wasn't any less for Percy. Occasionally, one of his friends from Camp Half-Blood would come over and help him. He finally drifted to sleep and dreamed about Annabeth. 

"Hey, Seaweed Brain!" Annabeth greeted, walking into the Poseidon cabin. "Hey, Wise Girl!" Percy responded. She went inside the cabin and over to Percy, who was sitting on his bed. "So, what are you thinking about?" Annabeth asks Percy. Percy looks over at her and what he sees fills him with fear. It was Annabeth, but her eyes were white and glassy. Her skin was pale, breathing shallow. Worst of all, blood was seeping through her shirt. "What's wrong, Percy?" Annabeth asks him, but not in Annabeth's usual voice. This voice was raspy, strained, dead

All of the sudden, Percy wakes up with a jolt. He was sweating. It was morning, though. He could hear birds chirping, and sunlight poured out of the open window. Percy decided to take a walk, so he got up, got dressed, and walked out. A familiar black blur caught Percy's eye. It was someone he hadn't seen in three years. Blackjack. "Blackjack?" Percy asks, very confused. "Boss, I need to show you something." Percy hopped on Blackjack's back and Blackjack flew over to where a body sat. The body had too much mud and dried blood on it to recognize. Percy heard a train but saw nothing, so he decided to jump down to the body. I wiped the mud and blood off of the body, and it revealed blonde hair and gray eyes. Annabeth. "How the hell did Annabeth's body get here?" Percy thought. Percy knew Annabeth was dead, but he still checked for a heartbeat, anyway. No heartbeat. He was about to sob, at seeing Annabeth's dead body again, but Annabeth sat up. She no longer looked dead. She smiled. "Percy," she said. "Annabeth? But you were-" He got cut off by Annabeth. "Dead? I know. The reason you can see me is that you're dead, too." Annabeth's smile remained. Percy looked behind him. His dead body lay there, on top of train tracks he didn't even know existed. "Let's go. Hades has been waiting for us."

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