9. Guys? (Short)

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I was running, from a bomb. One of Kronos' men had thrown it. It was a fused bomb and was about to blow.
They had thrown it and I had tried to kick it away, but to no avail. I missed and wasted valuable time. Now, I was running, but it was still practically at my feet. There was one henchman left; the one that had thrown the bomb. He was also running away from the bomb. I had learned about this specific one before. Big explosion, short fuse. I didn't have much time left. It had felt like seconds had passed running, though not even one had. Eventually, I heard an explosion behind me. I'm fine; I wasn't blown back, wasn't harmed, anything like that. Surprising. I stopped and looked around. The henchman who had thrown the bomb now had a silver arrow sprouting from their neck. There were bodies scrambled everywhere. Some from demigods, some from henchmen. I felt guilt for all that we had lost. Why couldn't I have saved them? Didn't matter. Had to trudge on. I walked over to one of the remaining demigods. My movements were sluggish, like I was walking through slushy water, but that was probably just from the terrifying experience I had just had. I greeted them, but to no response. They didn't even look at me. Their face was just painted with terror and grief. Made sense. We had just went through quite a bit. I did the same to someone else, but the same reaction occurred. Finally, I traced their eyes. They were all staring at a charred body next to where the explosion went off. Did someone else get hit? I ran over to check the pulse, but when I did, my hand slipped right through their neck. That's when I realised. That's when I saw. I wiped some dirt and grime from the face and saw... the face of Percy Jackson. My face. I understood. I had died from the bomb. I stood up in shock and glanced around once more. I saw a figure behind my friends. It was big; a titan. I tried to warn them, but my mouth didn't work. It was like it was glued shut. I could only watch and reach out in hopelessness and despair as the titan's giant battle hammer swept my friends across their backs, leaving them gone. My knees buckled and I cried. We lost. None of us went home to Camp Half-Blood.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2023 ⏰

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