7. Babylon (Short)

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Based on the 5SoS song of the same name.

TW: suicide

Percy sat in his room, contemplating choices, life, anything. He did this most days, but today was much different. Percy and Annabeth had broken up last night. He couldn't handle it. He even called out of work today to just sit in silence and think. Think about everything. Think about life.

Jason texted him, asking if he was okay. Percy replied with a simple, "Yep." They eventually met up, however, over coffee.

"I... I loved her, but she was taking it to a whole new level. She just kept on going higher and higher and higher, she didn't know when to let go. But neither of us did."

Jason was sympathetic, though, he had never had to deal with anything like this before.

"She said that she'd love more than she knew she could go. I guess you could say that we just burned too bright and then the fire was gone. But, we all fall down in the end."

It was gut-wrenching for Percy. He truly thought that Annabeth was his true love. The only person he would ever love. His happily ever after. He was wrong.

"Annabeth, it's just, we rushed into this too fast. There's not much of a flame left. We would've already done anything for each other."

The blame wasn't all on Annabeth, however. Percy went along with it. He thought he would lose Annabeth if he didn't. He would've lost her in an easier way.

"I just... I can't do it anymore. I'm sorry, Annabeth. I love you."

In the hardest moment of his life, he walked out.

And so there he sat, emotionless, lifeless on the edge of his bed. He was dead inside. He was hollow, much like the 9mm hole in his head.

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