48-Movie 1 The Time-Bombed Skyscraper Part2

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Movie 1

The Time-Bombed Skyscraper

Part 2

3rd POV

"Well, Please enjoy yourself this afternoon," Moriya said. Ran went to the table where the food was "wow it's so pretty! are they all homemade?" Ran asked Moriya and as he answered her politely "Of course! It's customary to serve homemade food at tea parties, please help yourself."

While Ran and Moriya were talking about the food that apparently he cooked Conan and Rin started to examine the people who were at the party as they noticed there are Celebrities, Idols, Models, CEOs, and artists. They then turned their attention to Moriya as they neared his voice tone changed when he said "Many young architects these days have lost their artistic touch! They must take responsibility for their own work!" At this point, everyone at the party started looking at him because he was talking loudly. "By the way Mouri-san and Ms.Angelica, would you mind if I give you a quiz?" Moriya asked suddenly as he turned to Mouri and Rin.

' Here it comes, ' Rin thought.

"A quiz??" Mouri asked confusedly, "Yes, it's to deduce the computer password of a company run by three men, A famous detective such as you should be able to figure it out instantly." Moriya said as he turned looking at Mouri with an evil smirk as he said the last line. People around them started recognizing Mouri as they spoke with one another "wow! It's the famous detective Mouri Kogoro". That gave Mouri self-confidence as he accepted Moriya's quiz, "I don't mind either, Go ahead" she said, accepting Moriya's quiz too.

"Well then this is the data on the three men, The password is playing hiragana characters long and has to do with something the three men have in common" Moriya said as he gave a paper to Mouri and another to Rin as he continued walking with a paper in his hand offering it to Ran "Ran-San would you also like to try?" Ran took the paper and started to read. While Conan went to Rin trying to take a peek at her paper, She noticed him and crouched down so he could take a look as she placed the paper between them while still holding it so they both could read "Tantei-kun let's solve this quiz together" she said smiling at him what she didn't notice is how he blushed because she began reading the data on the paper.

"The time limit is three minutes, please try it, everyone...Okay, start!" Moriya announced. "There are no common letters in their name, their birthdays, blood type, even their hobbies. It's tougher than I thought," Mouri said.

The guests started to give up one after the other "Let's wait for the professionals to figure it out." one of the guests said as they looked at Mouri staring at his paper. "I wonder if Dad is alright.." Ran said to Rin concerned, "He will be fine, don't worry about him he is Mouri Kogoro After all" Rin said standing up and smiling at Ran while Conan held the paper in his hand still reading it. "Eh? Wait, these three people are born one year apart." Conan mumbled as he started counting using his fingers "I got it" he said causing Rin and Ran to look at him, "It's Momotarou!" Conan exclaimed loudly and Moriya Teji turned around surprised.

"M-Momotarou?" Mouri questioned angrily

"It's their Chinese astrological signs, uncle. Year of the Monkey, Rooster, and Dog see? Monkey, Rooster, and Dog... They are the three animals that accomplished Momotarou in the story." Realization hit Mouri as he comprehend what Conan said, "You are correct, little boy! I am greatly impressed" Moriya Teji told Conan while Mouri tore his paper into pieces.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2023 ⏰

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