37- first day at high school

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3rd P.O.V :

Rin wook up the next morning early then usually, to say she isn't a morning person , well she is kinda excited for her first day in high school , even thought she in university level still she didn't attend high school in this life she was basically home schooled . or maybe she just exited to meet sonoko and shinshi , now back to the main topic .

Rin is now in the kitchen cooking breakfast , and everyone is asleep ,it's 05:00 in the morning after
all .

A while later she finished preparing the table . Ran was the first one to wake up as expected .

" Good morning nee-chan, did you slept well ? " Ran greeted Rin .

" Good morning to you too Ran , and I slept well , actually the flight was exhausting , now come and eat or we will be late for school "

" hai " said Ran .

After they finished eating Rin went back to her room and wore her school uniform .
Now she is looking at the mirror complaining about how short the skirt was , until Ran cut her train of thoughs .

" nee-chan hurry up " called Ran from the living room .

" I'm coming " replied Rin . then graped her back

and so the too left home heading toward Titan high school .

Later that day :

Titan high school :

" we arrived ."

" so this titan high school ..." Said Rin excited and Ran chuckled at the other .

" Then I will go to the teacher room to see which class I'm in !"

" are you sure you can go alone " asked Ran .

" don't worry , go on "

" okey then see you later nee-chan " Ran said and then went a head to her class room as for Rin she headed to the teacher room .

' I really wonder which class I'm in ? ' she thought
' now where is the teacher room ? ' .

After a while :

Rin's P.O.V :

Who thought this school will be this bigger ,I lost on my first day how ironic , I'm bad at directions , while I was thinking how to find the teacher room I suddenly bombed into someone .

" sorry I didn't notice where I was going " I apologized then I looked up and found it was a woman with black hair and brown eyes maybe she is a teacher? .

" it's okey , I guess you're Rin Mori the new students am I right ? " the teacher I nodded in response .

" I'm Miyuki Hibiki Your homeroom teacher , now let's go meet your new classmates " she said
smiling .

" thank you "

I bowed at her, she seem a nice person , then we made our way to the class .

Meanwhile :

3rd P.O.V :

" shinichi you heard we have a transfer student " sonoko said .

" oh really " he said with a bored look .

" ow come on aren't you curious ? " asked the brunette girl the other just shrugged his shoulder the other just sigh at his antics .

" good morning " greeted Ran the two cheerfully .

" oh Ran hello " said sonoko looking at her childhood friend .

Before they could talk the teacher entered the class .

" class we have a transfer student , come her " as the teacher said that a figure of a girl entred the class sonoko and shinshi who recognized who she was , were shocked and Ran is giggling softly at their priceless expression .

" I'm Rin Mori , nice to meet you " Rin introduced herself then bowed smiling sweetly at the end .

" okey then Rin you can sit behind suzuki , now Suzuki rise your hand "

Then she walked to the sit behind sonoko while smiling at her .

" okey then let's start our lesson ..."

the lunch break :
Rin's P.O.V :

As soon as the lesson finished I was tackled in a hug I looked down to see the culprit and as expected .
" sonoko .." I said then I hugged her back while chuckling she didn't change still childish as always .

" it's been a long time futaritomo " I said to the two of them .

" we missed you , when did you come back ? And Ran why didn't you tell us ? " Asked Sonoko looking between Ran and Rin .

And Ran just laughed .

" yesterday ...actually it was my plan I told Ran to not to tell you two that I was going to entroll , Well I want to surprise you"

" and you succeed in that " said shinichi .

" ow c'mon tentei-kun don't be so grumpy " I teased him .

"Again with the nickname .." He mumbled to him self .

" did you say something ?"

" nothing ....well it's nice to see you again " he said averting his gaze away and blushing .

" ara when did you become a tsunder ? "

"I'm not ..."

" whatever you say tsun-tsun ..." And then Ran and sonoko and me Bursted laughing , then soon shinichi joined us .

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