27- meeting Jody

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It's been a months since I come to live in America with Akai , i'm now 11 years old and i'm officially  an FBI after I get my US citizenship with the help of james oji San , even Akai San passed the FBI test with flying colors .

Also  Toshi -sensei carried his plan , and now the greatest magician  declared dead to the world , the only who knows that he is still alive is me and aunty Chigaki.

Ran , shinshi and sonoko entered tetain middle school nothing change beside that as for me I decided to keep my  university stu while working in the FBI,  it's not that hard .
I decided to study chemistry that way I can help shiho in the future to make an anti dot to the drug that shrunk shinshi and her.

Now we are eating breakfast in the dinning room then the phone start ringing   then Akai picked it .

"  yeah hello ...okey I understand I  will be there soon " he said then he hung up .

" what's wrong  another case ?" I asked him .

" yeah an agent was found dead in his apartment , they said it was a murder" he said .

" , that's sound interesting . I will come too  it's boring here I don't have anything to do  " I said to him getting up from my sit .
He sweat drop

" then let's go "

" yup yup "

~ time skip~

(Talking in English)
We arrived at the crime scene , it was severely surrounded by the police and FBI ,then we entered the apartment and James oji San greeted us .

"Thank you for coming " james oji san said " " oh Rin you also  come this really rare "he said patting my head I smiled nodding my head .

Usually I  don't go to crime scene  i don't want to make criminals tailing behind wanting to kill me nor I want to attract the BO ,  so  I just stay low and  assist them behind the scenes , but if the case was complicated like this one  cough if I was bored cough  I visit the crime  scene  but trying as much as possible to keep low .

" the victim is Ron lewis , a 26 years old male , a former agent , one of my subordinates he was assigned to investigate the random murders that happen a month ago  caused by a serial killer ,   But he  died in the end , she was shoot by  three bullet  , the corps founded inside this room  " James oji San said looking down at the corps .

I bend down observing the body  trying to find something or any clue  that will help me in my investigation .

I noticed  the watch  that the dead man wears is the same  brand as the FBI agent who was standing next to Akai .
I went to her and asked him .

" neh Miss are you in any relationship right
now ?" She just shook her  head saying no .

' this is wired why would she lie ?' I thought .
It seem that akai is aware of it.

"  who is she  ?" Asked Akai pointing at the lady who I asked just now .

" I' m  Perry Lincoln , the victim was my partner  before  , but I didn't expect something like this would happened  to him " she said .

" Do you have any idea who the killer is ?" Asked Akai .

"  isn't it obvious he was investigating the serial killer  , I believe that the method of  killing is similar to him , maybe he was killed by him after he ....." I cut her off.

"  I don't think so " I said tapping on the victim's  computer after cracking the code .

" huh?"

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