28- shopping with jodie nee chan

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Ring Ring~~

"Ahh " I yawned getting up from bed then  I looked at the clock .

" oh it's 08:00 there is still time " I said rubbing my sleepy eyes.

then i made my way toward the bathroom and take a quick bath then I wore a black   T-shirt  with blue jeans.
I dried my hair then headed toward the kitchen .

'It seem like Mr pierrot isn't here maybe on a mission? .'

" now what to make ? ... Maybe a simple breakfast will do I will make toast with orange juce  " I said to myself .

The toast is ready.

After I finished eating I looked at the clock and it's 09:00 .

" I guess it's time to go " then I graped my jacket with my phone and wallet and made my way outside .

Are you curious to where am I going ?

Well I will go with Jodie nee San to shopping ,  she want to buy a gift for Akai , they already confessed to each other so now they are dating yup just like the anime .

Also Jodie onee San is really fun to be with , she is really sweet a cheerful and really cool .
She already told me her story when vermoth killed her parents , I already know that but hearing it in real life was slightly deferent .

So now i'm waiting  for her to come in the park next to the apartment .

After few minutes  I spotted her figure running toward me and waving .I smiled at her and waved back at her .

" sorry I'm lateshe said .

" it's okey beside  i didn't wait that long "  I said to her .

" then let's go ". She pulled my hand and we ran .

Few minutes later we arrived at the shopping mall .
So now we are looking around the shops we entered and dresses shop and Jodie tried different styles that was really funny .

" what I gonna buy for him ?" She asked .

" how about  a watche ?" I suggested to her she nodded then we made our way to a watch shop .

"There are many brands , what you are gonna chose " I said with awe .

". Maybe that one .."  She said pointing at a silver watch in the counter .

" good choiceI said to her she nodded smiling I chuckled .

When we were about to leave the shop 2 people wearing a ski costume with guns .

Then one of them shouted pointing the gun at us .

" hands up don't move or I will shot "

' Great a robbery in middle of the day are you kidding me ???'

We did as he said .

" you there put all the money and watches in her " robber #2 said to the man who was just behind us .

So now we are held as hostages .

" now put all your phones here !" The robber #1 said , before I put my phone on that bag I already send an SOS to  james oji San hoping he will track our localisation .

While the man putting the money in the bag the others are trembling in fear trying to not make a sound .

But then a kid started crying aloud ...
" shut him or I will kill him " the robber#1 said to the mother who was trying hard the comfort the crying kid but without use .

The robber tired from the kid 's cries and decided to shot him but I hurried to them and kicked where the sun doesn't shine then I made a shop on his neck knocking him out .

Jodie onee San made the same thing with the other robber  pushing him up on the ground.

After awile the FBI with the police arrived and they arrested the two robbers and the other thanked us then we made our way back .

" that was really unexpected "she said
I nodded .

" so when you are going to give the gift to Mr Pierrot ?"

" maybe tomorrow..... " she said  taking the gift from her bag .

" it's BROKEN!!"she shouted in frustration .

" Huh?" I said looking at the craked watch .

" Now now Jodie nee San don't be sad you will buy him another thing later " I said trying to comfort her .

' poor jodie'

In the end she gifted Akai a scarf which she stayed all the night   knitting .

I sweat drop
' if you know how to knit why go all the trouble to buy a gift ??'

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