11- martial arts .

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After the terror mansion accident , i decided that i really need to learn self defence , so I begged my mom to entrolle me to martial arts 's classes it took me a whole month to persuade her , but in the end I did it .

First I will learn Judo , this material art is based more on grappling , with emphasis on throws and pinning the opponent , seeing that I decided that need to learn Jiujutsu to cover for that , maybe also Aikido , Jeet kune do ...etc I already learnt karate in my past life.

in fact I don't want to only to stick on one material arts so I will try them all, that will give me many advantages while fighting strong oppo well maybe i can creat my own style

So now me and mom are in front of a dojo , mom knocked the door then it's open revaling a man in his mid 30 wearing a yukata .

" hello are you Hiroshi yamada the Judo teacher ?" Asked kaa-san .

" yeah "

" I would like to sing my daughter here to learn Judo " she said patting my back gesturing me to introduce my self .

" nice to meet you , i'm Mori Rin " I said bowing a little ,

" a girl ?" He said raising his eyebrow I narrowed my eyes at him .' great a racist one ..'

" yeah , is there something wrong ?? " asked okaa-san .

" well she's the only girl in our dojo adding the fact that she is young , I don't think she will keep up with training " he said .

" is that so .." Said mom .

" they say don't judge a book by it's cover , also if you don't try me out how could you know " I blurt out .

" hmmm.."

" I like your attitude young lady , then I will accept you in this dojo , but you know you have to work hard to keep up " he said . I nodded .

" then your first lesson will begin tomorrow " he said .

" okey then thank you "

Then we left .

~ after few months ~

It's been months since I begin learning martial arts .

The first week was a pain in the ass .but I slowely got used to the harsh training , I can tell that Yama-sensei ( yeah I call him that now) was super shocked that I didn't give up , who can blame him after all i 'm extremely extreme . I think I Begun to sound narcissistic mou whatever .

Yama -sensei wasn't exactly softy , he was really strict , like the teachers who will push you to your limits , I though he would go easy on a 7 years old girl but my expectations was all wrong ,sometimes I saw him laugh at my misfortune .

also I learned the he was an ex- soldier in the Japanese military army , surely I didn't expect that , he left the army cause he blame himself for his partner death.

though when I ask him how and why?  he always try  and  change the topic , maybe it wasn't a pleasant memory for him but nonetheless he was really strong and I found out that he don't only teach Judo but also other maretial arts , so now I 'm not only learning judo but also mixed  martial arts .

Also I remember the first lesson we had a little spare , but you know I didn't last more than 5 second , everything went fast before I knew it I was tossed onto the hard ground .

But now after 3 month of training finally my eyes are adjusted to yama -seinsei 's speed but even so I can't win a match against him .

" do you believe someday that I can win against you ??" I asked looking at the sky .

" well , there is a chance , you're improving fast then normal kids do ... Also the fact that you didn't give up on my harsh training that's impressive "

I grinned at the compliment .

" break time is over now let's get back to training "

" huh ? Already !!!" I shouted

" Ma ma Rin- chan don't be lazy come on "

" chotto  yama-sensei!! "

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