Let me tell you being a baby really sucks and embrassing .
is it really nessaceary for me to go through that humiliation?? , I want my body back ...Sure I already had my memories of my past life but I can't do so much beside crawling , sleeping and eating and also I was a quite baby I only cry when it's nesscary when I'm hungry or I needed to change.
In the first months goes by me sleeping all the time well don't blame me I 'm in a baby body after all by the way me and ran have a sparate rooms .
As for ran she needed more attention from our parents , well she cries a lot that's good for me I can have a time alone for me to think and to plan for the future .
On the second month I'm able to keep myself awake for few hours , also I can lift my hands and legs , I can also move my head .
It's seems like ran have calmed down she doesn't cry like in the first month I think she finally adjusted to her surrounding well
That's great sometimes our parents will put us together in one crib she is really cute I mentally get a noes bleed each day passed we become inseparable , nearly we do everything together.It was the same cyrcle in the past 6 months sleeping , bathing , eating , playing with ran ,training yup training :
Everytime I left alone I will try and stand up and practice walking also after in the first months that was difficulty because I can't move but after months I was able to stand up also after my record vocal start to function I tried to talk .
well it won't be difficulty since I already know the language in my past life .today happened that I was training to walk in my crib when suddenly the door of my bedroom opens to see my mother looking at me with widen eyes I didn't know what to do
oh my god what with this awkward situation I let my guard down what should I do now oh yes I act cute yup the perfect plan"Ma...mama" I said did it work ? After a few second of shock I find myself in her embrace 'sigh it worked'
"Kogoro hurry up " then she called my father
Well more like shouted making him rush to us .
" what happen?? " my dad asked ." our daughter said her first word and it was mama even she walked " my mom said dramatically with sparkels in her eyes .
is it me or she is mocking him ." she talked?!! impossible she is only 6 month old maybe it's your imagination " my father denied .
"No it not she really said mama "....
..... Then they begin to argue .....well tepical Mori couple .– after 5 minutes –
" no if she talked her first word will be papa after all she is my daughter...." Said dad.
Guys i'm still her .
" no she is also my daughter as I said before she already said her first word and it was mama not papa " my mom argued back.
How long you gona keep this ? .
" as I said before it's just your imagination "
I'm really tired can you stop arguing !!!
"No it's not "
"Yes it's"
"No"This is really wired not everyday you found a lawyer and a police officer arguing for a childish thing .
I think I will try to stop them or this argument won't end so soon so I used my secret weapon which is a
" mama .....pa...pa" as this two melodic words left my mouth . just like my magic they stoped their little argument . well it was a moment of silence until dad shouted making an idiot face " she said papa ..." I giggles at his antics .
" told you before .." Said mom with a scoff ." my daughter is really a gunies" said my father .
" of course she's after all my daughter " said my mother with a proud look .
" she is also my daughter " my father defended .
" well be glad she didn't get after you if so she will because an idiot "
I sweat drop.
And her we go again ....huh they won't stop arguing will they so my plan didn't work after all ....this will take sometime ...
this is how I said my first words and how I took my first steps at least in their eyes.
My mom is Eri kisaki she is a lawyer she is a caring and intelligent woman sometimes she can be childish . she is a beautiful woman with her purple eyes and her long wavy brown hair .
As for my dad as we all know the kogoro more he's now a police officer working in the Tokyo metropolitan police devision . he's fairy tall and fit man and hi is reasonably good looking . he's tepical kogoro he always get in an argument with mom over small things , he is a lazy person but nonetheless funny he dotes on us and play with us .
And he become serious when it's involve his work .This two are like other teenagers couples . they were childhood friend through the years they developed feeling for each other, in the end they get married but they won't last long as I remember from the manga my mom and dad will start living sperately when ran become 7 years old well they didn't get a divorce so maybe their is a chance I will try to change that but the problem I don't know how to do it i' i'm really pathic I know the future but i'm unable to change it .
6 month have passed like flash now I can speak fluntely also I can walk with ease .
as always doing the usual routine waking up ,eating ,playing with ran , helping mom in the kitchen , listing to my parents arguing ..etc . by the way I discovered that i'm the older twin by three minutes yay i'm the older one .
*cough*now let's go back 😣.Now I was helping my mom in the kitchen watching the dishes as for dad he is playing with ran . then suddenly my dad shouted for us I nearly dropped what was in my hand .
Then me and mom rushed to them ." oto-san what wrong ?" I asked father .
" it's ran she is trying to say her first word " my dad response with sparkling eyes .
" neee...nn" ran was trying to say
My mom eyes lit up " yes eventually she will say mama hehehe "
" of course no , ran say papa ." my dad ." no ran~chan say mama" they start cooing at her .
I just sweat drop at their antics really they won't change .
but i'm really curious what her first word will be ."Riiii...nnn.....Rin" finally she managed to say her first word but wait did she just say my name .
" rin~chan your name was her first word "after I heard those word from my mom I hurried and hugged ran while crying tears of joy then my parents comforted me by hugging me my sister is really an Angel no wonder vermoth calls her that .
after the emotion sence we celebrated the rest of the day , in the end she managed to say mama and papa I bet my parents are overjoyed who wouldn't be.Hhhh I really i'm glad that I given a second chance to live and fell the parental love now I have parents I will make sure to protect them even if it means giving my life in the prosses I won't let the black organization harm them I will work hard and help shinshi in the future and expose them .
But i'm really excited to meet the characters haha let's wait for the time being .

Reborn In Detective Conan
FanfictionA girl died trying to save a kid , but an unexpected twist happen and she was reborn in her favourite anime which is Detective Conan as Ran's twin sister so how she will react to this ? and what she will do ? follow us to know more about it .