22- saying good bye .

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Finally I finished high school  , I win the deal I made with mom , now i'm packing my things to go to America ' yay finally I will join the FBI i'm so excited  ' I thought throwing my clothes to my suitcase I stuffed my  mysteries books , my camera , and other things .

" there is still 7 hours until we leave to the airport , I will take the chance and go to say goodbye " I muttred looking at the clock .

After I finished packing I went to the living room .

" Rin did you finished packing your things  ?" Asked mama.

" yup " I nodded .

" then come and eat breakfast "

" hai "

After I finished eating breakfast .

" mom i'm going out I have something to do itikimasu " I told her .

" iterashai "

I made my way to Beka station  , then I take a train to Ekoda .

Soon later I arrived at the koroba house.

" so it's time  huh? Are you sure about that I mean joining the FBI ?" Said yusaku-san .

" yup  I will stick on my decision " I said with determination .

" we can't change your mind now can we?" Said Toshi -sensei .I shake my head .

" you're really stubborn Rin-chan " said aunty chisaki .

" well that's me " I said grinning .

They sighed .

I turned to a serious face.
" is there something you want to tell me ?"

" you got us there , it's seem like we can't hide anything from you " she said .

" well i'm planing to fake my Death , so if I die and it's seem like an accident don't say otherwise " he said .I nodded .

" aren't you  shocked ?" Asked aunty chisaki .

" no i'm not , well let's say that I already know that you are planning that " I said smiling .

" but how ?" They asked surprised .

" it's a secret ~~" I said .

" as expected " he said .

" Rin-chan I will miss you " said aunty chisaki hugging me.

" me too I will miss you two " I said to them hugging her back .

" oh right where is kaito ??" I asked.

" he is in his room " replied aunty chisaki .

" is he sleeping ?" I asked .

" nope actually he's sad that you're going to America  after all you are his only friend " she said .

" so that is it , then i'm going to comfort him "
" please do "

Then I get up from the sofa and made my way to the staires heading to kaito s' room in the second floor .
I opened the door and I entered .

" kaito are you there ?" I called him but he didn't respond he was under the blanket .

" kaito? "

I sigh " kaito are you made at me ?" I said acting like I was going to cry .

It seem like my acting

" no Rin  don't cry it's not like...." But then when he saw me not crying he shouted .

" you were acting !!!"

" yup "

" that's not fair Rin "

" well life is not fair "

" Mou Rin , you're going to America "

"Yup , but don't worry I will come back after 7 years maybe " i said muttring the last part
" also we will still on contact so do be sad Kaito Kay ?"

He nodded not completely convinced .

" oh right take this " I said handing him a necklace I bought 5 one for me  , Ran , shinshi and sonoko and this for kaito  they are maching necklaces

" what is this ? "

" a necklace I also have one " I said showing him mine .

" I want you to keep it with you until we meet again okey ?" Then he nodded smiling

" Aye Aye Capitan " he raise his hand in a salut .

"The may luck be with you sergeant " I said saluting back at him then we laughed together .

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