Chapter 7

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Petra's POV

It's been a couple more weeks since that hostage situation and I realized something, my period is late. I've never had a late period, they've all happened like clockwork for some reason and now I'm scared. I think I know what's happening but I'm hoping against all odds that it isn't true. But, on the positive side I'm now legally Natasha or Mom's daughter. We threw a huge party since it was made known throughout shield that Black Widow adopted a daughter and I met everybody while out of costume. They don't know that I'm Spiderwoman and I'd rather keep it that way as it makes them less of a target. It also leaves any of Mom's enemies unaware of my actual strength making it safer for the both of us.

Fun fact, everybody compares me and Fury since we both have eye patches. At first people thought I was mocking him with it but after he told everybody that I wasn't doing anything of the sort they let it go and the party continued. The only reason he stepped up and stopped that rumor is because I was going to take my eyepatch off to show everybody and Ironman didn't want puke on his floor. To be honest neither do I since I live here too, for now.

Anyways, I've left the tower for the first time in civilian clothes since I need to head to the store to pick up a pregnancy test. I'm nervous and it was difficult to hide my plans from Wanda due to how nervous I am, along with how scared I am that it'll be positive. I know she picked up on my nerves and fear but I don't know if she got far enough through to find out what I'm doing. If she did then it's something I'll have to deal with when I get back.

After buying the test I'm just walking around New York procrastinating as much as possible when I almost literally bump into Mom. We don't really say anything, I just continue walking after giving her a smile that she probably saw right through. I walked to a park and sat on the bench and Mom sat beside me.

"What's got you walking around New York without your suit?" Mom asked curiously.

"I've got my suit, it's just covered and the mask is in my pocket." I responded, thankful for the distraction from my thoughts. "What about you?"

"I don't rely on my suit for fights." She said putting her arm around my shoulder so I leaned into her side for a bit of comfort.

"I don't either, the only thing I semi rely on is my web shooters, and those just strengthen my webs." I said simply. "The only one that actually relies on their suit is Ironman since he has no powers or fighting skills without it."

"You're right, he's kinda defenseless in a fight without his suit." Mom said with a chuckle. "Do you remember when we first met?"

"Yeah, you were stalking me and nearly stabbed me." I said with a chuckle.

"True, but that was your fault for sneaking up on me." She said with a laugh.

"What was the point of bringing that up?" I asked confused and curious.

"To ease your nerves a bit." She said with a gentle smile on her face. "Now, are you ready to head home yet or are we gonna stay here till we become statues?"

"I'd choose the statues option but I'm getting hungry so I think it's time to go home." I said getting up and helping Mom up, even if she didn't need the help.

We walked back to the tower where we were greeted by a very nervous Wanda which sent me into, not a panic but it made me quickly try to calm her down. After she calmed down we went into the elevator and rode it up to the lounge room of the Avenger's floor. Captain America opened his mouth to more than likely start a lecture but I quickly turned the corner and was out of his sight before he could start. I headed straight to my room and entered my bathroom to take the test before my nerves could get the better of me again.

I went and laid on my bed while trying my best to not freak out and alert Wanda. I was finally able to relax before I opened my eyes just as Vision came through the wall above my head causing me to scream and web him to the wall. About five seconds later Wanda and Mom came rushing in only to spot me about to fall off the bed and Vision webbed to the wall from the top of the neck to the bottom his toes. I'm shaking and unable to calm down for some reason and my mind is just spiraling faster and faster until I'm pulled into a hug with my ear pressed right against someone's heart. This works a little and I'm able to gather my thoughts enough that I can recognize that it's Wanda hugging me while Mom tries to get the webbing off of Vision before he just phases right through them like he did the wall. After that Mom came over and pulled me into a hug and I was able to calm down the rest of the way while Vision tried to exit the room unnoticed.

Wanda used her powers to snag him and she looked angry, which is making me nervous.

"What have we talked about?" Wanda says sounding exasperated, which is better than angry. "You use doors and knock before entering, she could have had her web shooters on and set to tase which could have really hurt you."

"I realized the error in my judgment as soon as I saw the look of terror in her eyes, but Steve sent me to come collect her so I thought she was aware of the fact that I was coming." Vision tried to defend himself, unintentionally throwing Captain America under the bus.

"Negative, Baby Spider has been zoned out since she exited her bathroom and laid down." Friday said to the group.

"Oh right." I said breaking the hug and looking a bit nervous. "Do you mind if you all leave my room for at least a couple minutes?"

"Just tell Friday if you need us." Mom said leaving the room with Wanda following along while dragging Vision.

I went into the bathroom and looked at the flipped upside-down pregnancy test. I sat there for about half a minute but it felt like three before I reached out with a shaky hand to grab it. I flipped it over and spotted the result.

3rd Person POV

"Steve, if you send anybody but me or Wanda to go get Petra again I'll castrate you and whoever you send." Natasha said in a deathly calm tone of voice terrifying everybody but Vision and Wanda.

"She can't just leave and be gone for hours on end without explaining herself." Steve argued.

"She's a grown woman who's been taking care of herself for several years now Steve, she has every right to leave this building and be gone for days if she chooses." Natasha said back with a glare that would kill a bear with fear. "She isn't your subordinate or anybody else's, she's an equal member of the team that actually has more public pull than even you and Tony, which actually makes her more powerful than you in more ways than you can count."

"That doesn't excuse totally ignoring me when I tried to talk to her." Steve continued digging deeper.

"How many times have you lectured her, and how many times was it the exact same lecture?" Wanda said jumping into the argument. "Plus she was already nervous about something and you lecturing her would only make matters worse, you're not her father and you're not her CO."

"Mama Spider, Baby Spider seems to be in the middle of another panic attack." Friday announced much to Natasha's fear.

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