Chapter 14

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Petra's POV

"Why's the spider calling everybody to the lounge room?" Stark asked curiously as the last person to enter.

"Friday, repeat the information you told me." Captain America said.

"I have found four-hundred-and-seventy-three news articles pertaining to riots caused by the split of the Avengers, and I have also found three-million and counting video clips of riots caused by the split of the Avengers." Friday announced to everybody. "Baby Spider, would you like for to play the video you requested?"

"Yes." I said, already knowing both Mom and Wanda would be pissed if not everybody else as well. "Keep in mind all charges have already been pressed and people have paid their fines and spent their time in jail for what you're about to see."

"Why would you feel the need to announce that?" Stark asked curiously.

"Hello, I'm live outside of Avengers Tower where a mob has gathered over the split of the Avengers." A news reporter said while the background showed people beating on each other trying to kill one another. "It is complete chaos yet Ironman and his team are doing nothing to stop this and some police officers are even taking part in the rioting."

"How the hell did nobody notice a literal riot at my front door?" Stark asked alarmed and looking around.

"This is why Fury moved you guys to the compound." I answered. "It wasn't because your location was compromised, everybody knows where the compound is at, they just couldn't get to it without spending the rest of their lives in jail."

"What's that in the sky?" The camera man asked while pointing the camera away from the riot.

"It's Spiderwoman!" The reporter shouted happily. "Maybe she can do something about this riot.

The camera panned back down to the riots just as I landed and started pulling people away from each other and webbing sides together to stop the fights without hurting anyone myself.

"Why are you helping those who side with the criminals?!" A woman shouted from one side.

"I'm not-" I tried to correct her only to get shouted at by the other side.

"If you're not here to help us then your here to help those who side with the traitors who betrayed their own friends!" Someone from the other side shouted.

"I'm not picking a side!" I shouted. "I'm trying to stop you guys from killing each other!"

"You're just a menace, Jameson was right about you all along." Somebody shouted.

"If you're not picking a side then that means you're against the Avengers in its entirety, you would rather all of us die to Loki and his army!" Someone from the opposite side shouted.

Just then those who hadn't been webbed up started attacking me instead of each other while a few cut my webs freeing the others so they could beat on me as well.

"What's this, Spiderwoman tried to deescalate the situation only for everybody to turn on her." The news reporter said in shock. "The police's riot unit has arrived and they're pepper spraying people."

The clip shut down and I was being pulled in two directions, Mom was trying to pull me into her lap while Wanda was trying to do the same.

"Careful or you'll hurt her." Barnes said in alarm, causing both Mom and Wanda to stop.

"Thank you Barnes." I said before taking a deep breath. "Now, I was either sixteen or seventeen and I had nobody at home to patch me up from trying to stop that riot, I had to swing home with three broken ribs or sleep in a nearby alley, I chose to go to my tiny rundown apartment in queens since gangs had started to spring up everywhere in each of your names." Mom pulled me into her lap along with Wanda, surprising the both of us. "For the next year I was going around and snagging kids from the streets to get them to their homes safely since if you weren't a fan of the person they made their gang in favor of age didn't matter, they would beat you till they were either bored or you were dead and they didn't care which it was."

All of the Avengers were silent, Stark pulled out his phone and started doing research, Captain America looked really conflicted with a sour face which Barnes noticed and stood up before leading Captain America out of the room, Mom and Wanda were both holding me as close as possible, not that I'm complaining as I enjoy their hugs, Falcon left the room in stunned silence while vision looked like he already knew.

"Why aren't you surprised by this information Vision?" Mom asked curiously, meaning I wasn't the only one who noticed his lack of reaction.

"I was already aware of this." He answered nonchalantly.

"Then why didn't you say anything?" Stark asked with a dangerous tone.

"Because Director Fury ordered me not to." Vision answered bluntly. "He said that if you guys needed to know that he would inform you."

"Friday, how many deaths occurred because of the riots due to the split of the Avengers?" Wanda asked.

I tried to get up and leave but I couldn't move much due to being sandwiched between Mom and Wanda. They both noticed me not wanting to stay here so they both let go so I could leave but it was already too late.

"Only three deaths occurred during that time that were not of natural causes or accidents, Mary Jane Watson, Gwen Stacy, and Michelle Jones." Friday spoke and I could already feel the tears flowing down my face. "All three were big fans of Spiderwoman."

"Judging by your reaction you knew them personally, did they know your identity?" Stark asked insensitively.

"I did know them personally, but they didn't know my identity, at least not to my knowledge." I answered, controlling my emotions as best as I could. "They were my best friends and only friends in highschool, I dated MJ Watson in sophomore year but she broke it off when I kept disappearing without a proper explanation, for reasons obvious to you, and started dating this kid Harry Osborn."

"Didn't you get accused of killing his father until they examined the body and blamed it on the green goblin?" Stark inquired, again without manners or tact.

"He was The Green Goblin, he called his glider to him while he distracted me until my spider sense alerted me." I explained, both Mom and Wanda paying close attention along with Stark, surprisingly. "I dodged it and he ended up spearing himself with his glider, I tried to help him but I was too late so I delivered his body to his house so that way he wasn't remembered as The Green Goblin but as Norman Osborn."

"I would've made his villain identity known to the public, that would've saved you alot of trouble." Stark commented offhandedly.

"Moving on, I then dated Gwen Stacy, which easily became the best timeframe of my life." I continued explaining them and their connections to me. "I made sure that my disappearances had alibis that was easily explainable this time to prevent past mistakes that I didn't already make."

"How did she die?" Mom asked softly. "You don't have to continue if you don't want to."

"Harry killed her." I answered. "After Norman's death he became the new Green Goblin around the same time he started dating MJ Watson, Harry was really smart and was able to figure out my identity so he killed Gwen as revenge, but then the forensic report came out and cleared me or well Spiderwoman of any and all charges making Harry go down into a dark pit and he snapped, killing MJ Watson before himself."

"That's two, what's the explanation for three?" Stark questioned like this was an interrogation.

"I made sure to keep things platonic between MJ and I and also ensured I never put her in danger from my superhero life, but even that wasn't enough to save her." I continued, tears are streaming down my face at this point and I can barely see, though what I can see is extremely blurry. "MJ spoke out for me against the public when they attacked me, in response they killed her for siding against the Avengers." I felt Wanda's magic, not messing with my mind or anything, just her letting it roll over me in a soothing manner. "She was the only person I couldn't save from the riots but I did put her killers on RAFT, the only form of personal revenge I've ever taken was forcing the police to take them to RAFT."

"I guess you are better than the rest of us, any one of the Avengers would've happily killed somebody who killed someone we cared about." Mom said softly. "Now Stark, you'd better hope Pepper feels like saving you or I'll actually kill you this time."

Mom slipped out from underneath both Wanda and I and Stark ran with Mom stalking her prey.

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