Chapter 5

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Petra's POV

Everything hurts, my head is killing me, the lights are too bright. And I feel like somebody stabbed me at least a thousand times. I feel somebody in here with me and my heart and mind both start to race until somebody starts to hum and it calms me down and I start to cry. I open my eyes and am met with the sad eyes of the Scarlett Witch. She's the one who's humming and I cling to her like my life depends on it.

"Shh shh, I'm here, you're safe now." She soothed.

"Don't let them get me again, please." I begged her quietly.

"I won't let them, I'll die before that happens to you again." She vows and I hold her tighter. "You're ok now, you're safe with me."

My tears flowed faster and I started to sob my heart out. She just resumed humming and soon I began to get drowsy and I fell asleep again.

I don't know how long it's been since I fell asleep in Scarlett's arms but this time when I woke up I was alone locked in another unfamiliar room. My mind started racing and I started panicking, I couldn't think straight, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't see, or hear. It was like I was locked in total isolation. I was panicking until my spider sense alerted me of something coming in and I dodged immediately causing another panic.

"I'm sorry!" I screamed out in any hope that they'd go easy on me for dodging.

I braced for the hit that should come any second now for dodging. I waited and it never came, I slowly opened my eyes to see Scarlett crying her eyes out for some reason. I wanted to comfort her but I'm scared that I'll get hit if I move. She moved forward slowly until she pulled me into a hug and I started crying again.

"It's alright, I'm here now." She whispered in my ear. "I'm sorry for leaving I should've known better."

3rd Person POV

"What did they do to her, this isn't even remotely the girl that lectured the Avenger's brutally." Natasha said pain clear in her eyes.

"Friday, have you finished unencrypting those files yet?" Tony asked.

"Almost sir, it should only be another minute or so." Friday answered plainly before there was a long silence aside from the crying and soothing. "It is finished sir, though I do not recommend watching it."

"How bad is it?" Natasha asked bluntly.

"On a scale of Capsicle to Pointbreak barf meter it has hit Allfather level and it's not finished with the playback yet." Friday answered using the scale Tony programmed in.

"And on a scale of one to ten, Tony?" Natasha turned to him with an unimpressed look.

"That would be a twenty." Tony answered looking a bit pale from Friday's answer. "I don't think I want to watch it."

"List a few of the events, don't display them." Natasha told Friday.

"Torture, both mental and physical." Friday said and Natasha took on a duh look. "Blaming Black Widow for her capture and subsequential torture to feed her hatred towards the Avenger's and more specifically the original six." Natasha and Tony both flinched with that one. "And rape." They already knew that one because of the pregnancy. "Multiple times a day." At that Natasha and Tony looked enraged. "Shall I inform the other Avenger's of what has been uncovered?"

"Warn them and ask them if they'd like to hear." Natasha said before Tony could speak up. "Don't disturb Wanda though, and don't show the security footage."

"Understood Ms. Rushman." Friday said and Natasha glared at Tony.

"I'll go change that right away." Tony said rushing off.

Natasha then went back to looking in the room at the duo with a sad look on her face.

"Why her, she is innocent, no, more than innocent." Natasha said sadly. "She was one of the few truly good people left in this world, how could Hydra do this to her?"

Petra's POV

I settled down eventually but I didn't dare let go of Scarlett. I was scared that if I let her go she'd leave me all alone, trapped in this room. Eventually Scarlett stood up and picked me up getting a shriek of fear and surprise out of me and I clung to her even tighter than before.

"It's aright, I've got you." She said before she started walking. "I'm taking us out to get you something to eat."

I didn't say anything, I just waited for her to speak again, just laying in her arms. When we got to the common area all the Avenger's were there and their attention turned to us all at the same time causing a spike of fear that was quickly banished by Scarlett, she then glared at the rest of the Avenger's causing them to all turn away while she continued on into the kitchen where she set me down on a stool. I just sat there watching as she went about her business.

"So, what are you in the mood for?" She asked me without looking back.

"I'm not really hungry." I said quietly.

"You haven't eaten in at least a full day and with your heightened metabolism, yes I noticed how often you grabbed snacks while on patrol, that's like not eating for three days." Scarlett said and I blushed crimson.

"Actually she hasn't eaten in a week." Black Widow said upon entering the kitchen. "Make her something bland and easy to digest but also something that has plenty of nutrients."

"In that case how about a yogurt?" Scarlett asked me and I nodded my head slightly and stiffly.

She opened the giant refrigerator and moved things around for a while before she finally grabbed something. She pulled out a tub of yogurt before grabbing a couple bowls and spoons from somewhere and dished us both out some yogurt before handing me a bowl and she started eating. I took a small hesitant bite before it hit my stomach and I felt how hungry I really am. After that the bowl was gone in seconds. I got up and went over to the sink about to wash it before I was interrupted.

"I'll get that for you." Black Widow said and I shook my head.

"It's alright, you don't have to." I said while washing it quickly.

I then set it and the spoon in the drainer to dry before looking at Black Widow who looked to be a little in shock.

"How did you finish washing them so fast?" She asked.

"Simple, you rinse in hot water when the dish is fresh and all it requires is a quick scrub to make sure it's clean." I answered politely.

"You don't need to be afraid of me, I'm not going to hurt you." Black Widow said softly and unlike her usual self. "It's my fault to begin with that they targeted you in the first place." She said with tears in her eyes.

"They said it was your fault, but it wasn't." I said causing her to look up in shock. "I chose to fight back and get you out of there, that was my choice not yours."

"Do you really believe that?" She asked with hope to relieve her guilt in her eyes.

"Yes, I do." I said without hesitation. "Tell Fury that if the offer is still available I'll accept it though I will prioritize civilian rescue above anything else, even direct orders."

"I'm glad to hear that, and your condition is accepted." Fury said coming into the kitchen causing me to flinch. "That was the whole reason I approached you in the first place, to lower the civilian casualties from the Avenger's conflicts." He explained. "I should have started with something like that in our encounter. If you would like you will also be able to continue patrolling New York, that is entirely your choice."

"Thank you." I said quietly, ignoring every urge to run.

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