Chapter 8

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3rd Person POV

After Friday's announcement Natasha and Wanda both bolted back to Petra's room only to find her not there. Natasha noticed the light on in the bathroom and immediately went in that direction only to find the door locked and to hear a very panicky breathing pattern coming from the other side.

"Friday, open the door." Natasha ordered but got no reply. "Open the door or I'm shutting you down and deleting you, permanently!"

The door then opened, but it wasn't Friday that opened it. Petra had heard Natasha shouting and couldn't get the door open either in her panicked state, so she ripped it off the hinges much to the surprise of both Natasha and Wanda. The door being ripped off its hinges was set aside, both literally and figuratively, so they could both comfort the panicking girl to try and calm her down. It wasn't working so Wanda used her abilities to put Petra to sleep and Natasha caught her before she could hit the ground. After Natasha caught her the pregnancy test fell out of her hand, it was slightly crushed but still readable.

"This explains the nerves and the panic along with the fear I felt coming from her when she was on her way out of the tower and coming back in." Wanda said picking up the test with the result they already knew.

Natasha laid Petra in the bed before crawling in with her and holding her close to comfort her as best as she could. Wanda left the room to let the others know what it was about.

"What was she panicking about?" Bruce asked worriedly.

"The reason she left the tower was to buy this." Wanda said holding up the pregnancy test. "She finally put the pieces together."

"We should have told her." Bruce said, looking down while shaking his head in regret.

"When exactly, because since she was rescued she's been running from any and all reminders of what happened to her." Tony countered. "Telling her this information would have done more harm than good, things happened the best way possible."

"How much damage do you think it's gonna do to her when she finds out that we already knew and that we've known since we rescued her?" Steve asked plainly. "I mean, she's just barely decided to trust us enough to work with us, but only so she can save civilians." Steve says before giving out a humorless chuckle. "After she finds this out she'll never trust us again."

"I've come across a hidden file that was stashed in a spam section that would normally be overlooked by a human." Friday announced. "The file pertains to Baby Spider."

"Can you read it aloud for us." Tony said and everybody quieted down to hear what the file said.

"Date XX-XX-XXXX. Test Subject Name: Petra Parker; Alias: Spiderwoman." Friday said causing almost everybody to sigh in regret not liking where this was going. "A sample taken from Project Winter has been injected into Project Winter Spider and we have yet to check for results." Friday said, causing Bucky to freeze and receive sympathetic looks from everybody present. "Project details: Success means creation of a child bearing both Winter Soldier's abilities and Spiderwoman's abilities and being raised by Hydra and easy to manipulate."

"This just means that Bucky is one of the potential fathers of the child." Sam said with uncertainty, unsure of whether or not it's a good thing.

"She's not gonna like this, and neither will Natasha." Wanda said, and you could hear a slight hint of jealousy in her tone.

"I'm not gonna like what?" Natasha said, surprising everybody but Wanda. "Well, who's gonna tell me cause I'll know, be it of your free will or 'persuaded' out of you."

"Friday, repeat last sentence." Wanda requested.

"Project details: Success means creation of a child bearing both Winter Soldier's abilities and Spiderwoman's abilities with them being raised by Hydra and easy to manipulate." Friday repeated.

"If it comes down to it, I'd rather Bucky be the father than some random Hydra agent." Natasha said calmly. "But if I had my way it never would've happened in the first place."

Petra's POV

I woke up alone in my room feeling a warm spot beside me meaning that somebody just recently left the bed, and I know it was either Mom or Wanda since I would've woken up if it was anybody  else. I got up and exited the room, heading towards the lounge area ignoring whatever the hell was being said since I didn't feel like listening to whatever drama was going on.

"Hey everyone." I said entering the room feeling a bit sluggish. "What's going on?"

I think everybody knew I didn't really care based on my tone, except Captain America who went to answer only to be stopped by Ironman. I walked into the kitchen and got myself a glass of water to deal with my cottonmouth. I felt Wanda follow me but she didn't say anything so I went about and tried to start a conversation with her but no matter what I said she didn't respond to me. Did I do something wrong and now she's mad at me or something?

"We already knew." She blurted out outta nowhere causing my head to tilt to the side in confusion. "We already knew about the pregnancy." She clarified leaving the unasked question of how long. "Since we rescued you."

This hurts worse than anything Hydra did to me, the people I was supposed to be able to trust and work with lied to and kept secrets from me, secrets about me. I set the glass down and walk past her and ignored the others. I don't want to be around them, I don't know how I'll react and I'd rather not hurt them even if they betrayed my trust, Ironman for the second time. I went straight back to my room and locked the door, I was tempted to simply pack up and leave, but I have nowhere else to go since while I was captured and then rescued only to be detained in an infirmary I lost my job and I was evicted from my apartment due to me not delivering a picture on time and missing one payment by a day. I laid on my bed, just wondering how many times the Avengers would hurt me before I finally snapped and went insane.

I rolled onto my side and went back to sleep, not really feeling like staying awake any longer for today even though it's only five.

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