Chapter 15

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Petra's POV

Pepper didn't save Stark, technically, she just limited what Mom could do to him by saying no killing him. Mom wasn't happy about that but Stark did end up losing three of his suits from her attacks. She identified the weak points in the armor at a single glance before using said weak points to disable them and rip them apart till they were nothing but scrap metal. Tony bawled for an hour until Pepper informed him that he was in the doghouse and sleeping on the couch in their room and for each night he wasn't on that couch she would take one of his tools until she let him out of the doghouse.

Anyway, I'm currently swinging towards the police station with Wanda following me during a break on our patrol. I've got the meeting with Captain Yuri since I feel she should be informed of what's going on. When Wanda and I landed on the roof Captain Yuri was already waiting for us, arms crossed and a scowl on her face.

"What's got you so mad?" I asked her concernedly.

"Other than Kingpin's and Mr. Negative's gangs still on the loose and you're taking a break for some reason, not to mention your two weeks of absence without warning while we've grown accustomed to you having our backs in the field." Captain Yuri listed. "Should I continue?"

"Please do, as the things you've listed have reasonable explanations." I said in return, also crossing my arms.

"Fine, Electro, Vulture, Doc Oc, Rhino, Scorpion, and Mysterio are getting rowdy on RAFT so I think they're planning an escape but we can't find out any possible way for them to escape without outside assistance which means somebody is planning on helping them just as you're planning on disappearing."

"Just what we needed, Black Widow and I are the ones getting her to retire for at least a few months for a very good reason." Wanda said with a groan, knowing that if those villains escape I won't retire since people need to be protected with them on the loose.

"And what reason might that be?" Captain Yuri questioned coldly, turning her attention to Wanda.

"Because my two weeks long disappearance wasn't voluntary, and no the Avengers were not involved in my disappearance, at least not purposefully or directly." I spoke up. "Hydra used holograms and actors to lure me into a trap knowing that I would charge straight in if I thought somebody was in trouble."

"Why did Hydra go after you?" Captain Yuri asked alarmed.

"Because I saved Black Widow from them when they had her cornered." I answered honestly. "During my week long "involuntary stay" with them they did unspeakable things, things I'm actively trying to ignore that they ever happened." Captain Yuri's face took on a soft yet concerned look at what I am saying. "During the time they injected me with a semen sample and it took, I'm now pregnant with Winter Soldiers child."

"That's why your at least temporarily retiring?" Captain Yuri asked and I nodded.

"Black Widow is already helping to get evidence to take down Kingpin, permanently, while Scarlet Witch here is helping with patrol since they don't feel ok with me going out alone, that's why Scarlet Witch is with me right now." I explained. "The second week of my absence is because they locked me in the infirmary, I could've easily physically broken out but then it could've turned into a fight and that could've hurt any of the workers in the tower, possibly even civilians on the nearby streets."

"I see, I'm sorry for assuming the worst of you, again." Captain Yuri said softly, with her head down.

"You're just trying to look out for the people of New York, just like me, so I don't blame you nor am I mad at you." I said softly to her. "Since I'm retiring soon you can call me Parker."

"Are you telling me your name?" Captain Yuri asked shocked.

"Just my last name, first name will come at the time of retirement so that way we can stay in contact despite me being off duty for an extended period of time." I answered softly. "Hell, I might even show you my face then."

"Well then, I look forward to the day I can look the protector of New York in the eyes and thank her for her service." Captain Yuri said with a small smile while Wanda was chuckling, trying to hold it in. "Now, I've got to get back to work."

"So do we." I said while elbowing Wanda in the ribs to try and get her to stop, mindful of the strength I used. "Until next time."

I swung off while Wanda flew beside me and we were on our way of patrolling again. Hopefully we don't run into anything too big otherwise Wanda might overreact, again.

We didn't run into anything while on patrol for once, not even a purse snatcher which is strange. I looked to Wanda who was looking proud of herself.

"What are you so proud of?" I asked her curiously.

"N-nothing." She stuttered in shock of getting caught before she sighed and we landed on a roof. "Alright fine, I'm dealing with the issues telekinetically while distracting you by pointing things out before you notice the issues."

"I get that you want me safe, I do, but what you and Mom are doing is not helping me." I said gently. "What you are doing, while not physically harmful, is hurting me."

"How?" Wanda asked alarmed.

"You're making me feel useless, like what I do for the people doesn't matter and that I'd be better off locking myself up in a padded room where I can't do anything." I answered honestly. "So while it isn't physically hurting me, it's hurting me both mentally and emotionally."

"We didn't know." Wanda said quietly. "How can we be better?"

"Start by actually patrolling with me and not keeping me distracted while you take care of everything." I said softly. "Let me actually do stuff at home like cook and clean, you've gotta remember that I've been on my own for years now and I'm used to having to do things for myself."

"Ok, I'll step back a bit and let you do your own things, just promise you'll ask for help when you need it." Wanda said sadly.

"I'm not Stark, I know how to ask for help." I said with a smirk that is hidden by my mask.

Wanda laughed before we started heading back to the tower, her flying and me swinging.

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