Chapter 13

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Petra's POV

I've been patrolling New York since Stark deemed it below his paygrade, his words not mine. The conversation between him and Mom went like this, Hey Stark can you resume patrolling New York until after Petra gives birth, his response, I'm a world class hero don't you think patrolling is a little below my paygrade. Mom got pissed at him and I've never seen him run that fast before, I think he ran faster than his suit can fly.

Anyway, currently I'm taking down a group of thugs working for Kingpin while Wanda is working on another group of the thugs. I'm webbing them to me and slugging them in the face, careful not to use too much strength, along with webbing random objects and their weapons and hitting the thugs in the head with them as well. Things are going good until my spider sense goes off and I dodge a bullet aimed for my stomach.

"Hey, stop trying to shoot my stomach!" I yelled at the man, which turned out to be a bad idea since Wanda heard me and picked everybody up at once with her telekinesis, myself included.

Wanda slammed every thug into the ground knocking them out cold while she pulled me to her. Before I could even say a word Wanda was already flying towards the tower with me in her arms. I used my earpiece to contact Captain Yuri.

"Hello, who is this?" She asked as she picked up.

"Spiderwoman, by the way, got a group of Kingpin's men unconscious at that construction site near the park." I answered.

"Oh, thought I'd stop receiving these calls since I haven't really heard from you since you became an Avenger." Captain Yuri said, sounding a bit upset.

"I've already cleared that up, I'm still the friendly neighborhood Spider, but I will occasionally leave the neighborhood to help others when it's needed." I answered. "You are stuck with me Captain, though I may take a break for a few months soon."

"Why would you take a few months break?" She asked curiously.

"I'll meet you on the roof of the police station tomorrow at say, three in the afternoon to explain in more detail." I answered and heard a hum of acknowledgement along with a pen writing on paper.

"Looking forward to it." She said.

"I'll be bringing Scarlet Witch with me since it's unlikely that they'll let me go alone." I added.

"I'm guessing that the why will be answered tomorrow." She said and I hummed in confirmation.

I hung up and Wanda was looking at me strangely.

"What?" I asked confused. "I have an earpiece in my suit along with my own AI."

"Who's Captain Yuri?" Wanda asked curiously.

"A friend, I work alongside her and the police force on several cases, more specifically search and rescue to kidnapping and ransom." I answered. "Before Mom came along Captain Yuri was the closest thing to family I had, and she doesn't have a clue about that."

"Maybe you should tell her." Wanda suggested.

"No, I don't want somebody to overhear and hurt her to get to me." I said softly. "Plus I don't want to burden her."

Just then Wanda landed on the balcony but she didn't remove her arm from around my waist, not that I'm complaining. Mom came rushing out in surprise, probably thinking I was hurt. After I settled her down and all three of us sat on the couch before Mom turned to us.

"I thought you both would be gone for another hour, what happened?" Mom asked, worry barely slipping into her voice.

"Nothing actually happened, Wanda just got overprotective." I answered quickly, to hopefully prevent Wanda from explaining the full story.

"One of Kingpin's goons tried to shoot her stomach." Wanda said, causing alarm and panic to form in Mom's eyes.

"He probably wasn't intentionally aiming there, just aiming at any part of me and that happened to be the part he aimed at." I said before Mom could freak out. "And I dodged the bullet, so it's not like anything actually happened."

"I still don't like you putting yours and your baby's life at risk." Mom said sadly.

"Well, someone's got to protect the people of New York." I said with a sigh, not wanting to go over this conversation again. "Plus I've got a meeting with Captain Yuri tomorrow afternoon."

"Wanda will be going with you." Mom said and Wanda laughed.

"She already figured on that, even told Captain Yuri she'd be bringing me." Wanda said while still laughing causing Mom to chuckle.

"So, how was your day?" I asked Mom curiously.

"Boring, got nothing to do." Mom replied with a sigh of boredom.

"You could always try and infiltrate Kingpin's gang to get incriminating evidence on him so that way him and his guys can be put away for a while." I suggested. "It would make patrol alot safer for me."

"Are you sure you're not part fox, cause that was a really sly move you pulled there." Mom said while getting an excited glint in her eyes. "You already know I'm going to."

"Please take Hawkeye with you, it'll be safer and make me feel better about you being in there." I said and she nodded before heading towards Hawkeye's room.

Just then Stark walked into the room, a little tension in his shoulders.

"Alright you two, no adopting the fourteen year old that will be visiting in about a week with her three years older brother." Stark said causing confusion in me but excitement in Wanda for some reason.

Stark then walked out while Wanda started literally vibrating with excitement, shaking the entire couch.

"What's he talking about?" I asked her since she clearly knew something.

"He's talking about Black Panther and his little sister Shuri who is the most adorable thing ever." Wanda answered. "Though Bucky is scared of King T'Challa."

"Why is Mr. Barnes scared of a seventeen year old?" I am very confused right now, and I don't like it.

"Things went down, you remember the civil war between the Avengers?" Wanda asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, caused riots and gangs to surge all around New York." I answered. "That's what happens when celebrity groups fall apart publicly with separate sides and beef between them, fans pick a side and try to kill the other side." Wanda was in shock at this, apparently the Avengers are unaware of the rioting they caused, and that the riots were the real reason they moved to the compound originally. "I can't tell you how many times I had to save civilians from other civilians only to get accused of picking a side, when in reality I was against the whole initiative at the time."

"We didn't know." Wanda said in shock. "Friday, look for articles and videos about riots caused by the Avengers civil war."

"I have found four-hundred-and-seventy-three news articles pertaining to riots caused by the split of the Avengers." Friday announced caused Wanda to cover her mouth in shock. "And I have found three-million and counting video clips of riots because of the split of the Avengers."

"What about the split of the Avengers?" Captain America asked, walking into the room causing Friday to repeat what she said before. "I see why you hate us now, we've caused literally nothing but trouble and danger for you."

"I don't hate you, I was just trying to get you guys to pay attention to the real world, the people affected by your actions and choices." I responded sadly. "Friday, play the news clip about the first riot outside of Stark Tower caused by the split of the Avengers, after you call everybody here."

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