Chapter 4

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3rd Person POV

It's been a couple weeks since any of the Avenger's have seen Petra and a week since anybody in New York has seen Spiderwoman and the public is getting worried and agitated with the Avenger's since both Black Widow and Scarlett Witch were spotted with Spiderwoman. The Avenger's released a statement stating that they had nothing to do with Spiderwoman's disappearance and that they themselves were worried.

Petra's POV a week ago

I was patrolling and something felt weird but I brushed it aside. I then came across a burning building with a woman screaming about her baby being inside so I rushed in without thinking and started looking around but I couldn't find anyone, that is until the fire disappeared and I was surrounded by men and woman in black suits with guns raised, I think Black Widow called them Hydra. They shot me with a dart of some kind and the world went black.

I woke up some time later in a cell of some kind only for me to be shot at and dodge it and look at myself to realize that my suit is gone and replaced with a simple hospital gown.

"Morning Spider." Someone said from the direction the shot came from. I hope you're ready for your punishment for stopping us from capturing an Avenger, but it's even better if you're not."

Fury's POV original time

"Where'd she go, it's not like her to disappear so where could she have gone?" I questioned aloud.

"Sir, we have Spiderwoman's location." Hill said coming into my office. "And you're not gonna like it, it's an Avenger's level mission."

"Well, where is she?!" I demanded.

"Hydra tricked her with a fake fire to capture her, she's been with them for a week already, I don't even wanna know what they've done to her." Hill said sounding worried.

I got up and was headed straight for Avenger's Tower and I got there and up the elevator in record time.

"Avenger's, we've located Ms. Parker." I said to the group lounging on the couch.

"Where is she?" Wanda asked sounding very worried.

"Hydra captured her." I said and recognition sparked in both agent Romanoff and Wanda. "They used a housefire as a trap to capture her knowing she'd rush in to save whoever was inside without worrying about herself."

"This is my fault." Agent Romanoff said. "They were tailing me while I was tailing her and then she fought them off and got me out of there."

"Meaning they captured her to get revenge for making them fail in their mission, to capture you." Mr. Rogers said in conclusion getting a nod from myself and agent Romanoff.

"The base is located in upstate New York about thirty minutes from here by quinjet." I informed them. "Avenger's, assemble."

Wanda's POV

I was long headed for the jet before he told us to move it. Something about her drew me in and I didn't know what, all I knew is that she needed me and I'd be there.

Natasha pushed the jet faster than recommended speeds, probably due to guilt, so we got there in twenty minutes and we rushed in guns blazing. Natasha and I were the two heading in and looking for Petra while the others were causing a distraction and luring all the guards outside. Eventually we came to a split in the hallway and Natasha and I split apart to go both ways keeping in touch through our comms. About fifty feet down the corridor a solid steel door was on the left and I ripped it off the wall only to see a very bare, bloody, and terrified Petra on the other side looking at me with a broken spirit and terror. I stepped forward and she whimpered in fear causing a stab to my heart. I used one of my powers to put her to sleep before breaking the chains holding her up and catching her in my arms.

"I've got her!" I called out through the comms. "She's gonna need an outfit before the boys see her."

"Understood, I'm on my way to the jet to get her one of the spare agent uniforms stashed on board, I'll meet you at the entrance to the base." Natasha responded.

I was carrying her out when I heard a guard arrive behind me.

Trigger Warning

"Awe man, I didn't get to have my turn with the toy yet." He whined.

"What did you mean by your turn, and why are you referring to her as a toy?" I said with my eyes glowing dangerously.

"Isn't it obvious, she was the boys' sex doll since she's been trapped here." He said with a disgusting look on his face.

Upon receiving this knowledge I felt nothing but rage. I used my powers to hold him in while I slowly crushed his jewels and ripped everything down there clean off, all while he was screaming in pain before I snapped his neck. I then continued on my way out but holding Petra even tighter and closer to me. I got to the exit where I was met by Natasha who flinched at my look of rage but I used my powers to gently get the suit on Petra without touching anything inappropriate. I then continued on my way out without my expression changing in the slightest. All the other Avenger's flinched or full out avoided me, including Bucky and Thor. We loaded up on the jet but I wasn't setting Petra down anytime soon.

"What happened in there?" Clint asked bravely through his terror.

"I found out some information that makes me want to kill every Hydra agent I ever see." I said coldly.

"What did they do to her?" Steve asked worriedly.

"Abused her in every conceivable way possible." I said plainly getting a gasp from Natasha who is piloting the jet.

"Clint get up here!" She demanded and he obeyed without question.

Natasha walked back towards us and I spotted the tears in her eyes.

"This is all my fault, if I had just left well enough alone this wouldn't have happened to her." Natasha said only to be hugged by Steve but Steve's near presence caused a whimper of fear from Petra's unconscious form.

I glanced at Steve and he understood and backed off. Natasha didn't leave though and sat beside me brushing Petra's hair softly and soothingly. Petra was far from relaxed but she wasn't shaking in fear either which was an improvement. I started to hum the lullaby my mom used to sing for Pietro and I when we had a nightmare. Petra didn't wake up at all, not even after they got her into the infirmary. Bruce did a checkup and found a very upsetting fact, Petra is now pregnant with a Hydra agent's child, at least that's our best guess.

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