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It's been a little bit sense we came to Afterglow. It's really really nice here. Shen came back to! And Tani stayed. I liked Tani they were really nice. Shen said Tani was an old friend of there from the Slums. Papa says Hyenas often live in the Slums cause they are seen by alot of other people as Lesser then. I don't think that's right though. Leona agrees. He says that they were all Beastpeople and that we should live Equally. Farena says he thinks so to but I don't think he means it like Leona does. cause he keeps calling them "the Hyenas" like it's a bad thing. Or a bad word. 

Cheka doesn't seem to mind though. I liked Cheka a little more now. We played alot outside! Robi and Azru would always be with Cheka thought. One day when we were playing Tani came out. Robi growled at them. Azru tried to stop me but I ran over cause it was Tani! Tani gave me a small smile and knelt down. 

"Yuu! Back away from the Hyena!" I pouted. Why was Robi being so mean! It was Tani. Tani sighed and put their hands in front of them. 

"It's Tani! Tani is nice!" Azru flew over and got in between us. She grabbed Tani. I reached out and Tani shook their head.

"It's ok yuu, go back and play with the his Highness." I shook.

"Hyena, You are not permitted to be out here while his highness is playing!" Tani's ears went back. 

"I only came to check on Leona's Cu-" 

"That is his highness Leona! " I felt ran to Tani but Azru grabbed my wrist.

"Little one, Hyena's are dangerous! You need to stay back" I Bite Azru! They yelped and let go. pulled Tani away and stood infront.

"NO!" Azru held their hand. Robi was standing infront of Cheka.

"Yuu! You just wait until Your Father hears about this. Biting is not ok" I took a breath and felt my self shake.

"NO!" Tani looked at me shocked and touched me shoulder.

"little one, It's ok" I shook my head.

"No it's NOT! Tani is nice! it dosn't mater that Tani is a Hyena. Cause Tani is nice and gives me food and smiles at me. Tani helps me wake up Papa in the morning and Tells me jokes. Tani is nice! You both are being mean!" I said. Tani rubbed me back.

"Shhh, It's ok little one. They are just worried for His highness and you" I looked her.

"But you didn't do anything!!!" I felt tears running down my face. I saw Papa and Farena rushing over.

"What's going on! I heard Yuu yelling from his Office" Leona said rushing over and checking me.

"Your highness, This Hyena walked into the Royal Guardians." Leona glared at them and then looked down at me.

"This "Hyena" Has a name. They are Tani, They are one of my personal Servants" Robi straightened.

"I see... We were not informed" Leona offered a Hand to Tani. they took it and he helped her up before picking me up.

"You did not think it strange when my Cub stated they knew them?" Azru fiddled a little.

"We are sorry your highness but Hyenas are Tricky. We believed they had Tricked your Cub into trusting them" Farena put a hand out.

"Leona, It was an honest mistake" Leona growled and hugged me.

"An honest mistake... You hired them! But it was an honest Mistake!? What would they have done if My Cub had not stepped in" Farena sighed.

"Leona... we have discussed this. Change is happening but it can not happen in one day. They were being... Suspicious" Leona glared.

"This happened with Shen as well when they first started here, Farena when are you going to step up as king and Help those being misjudged!" Farena blinked rapidly.

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