Chapter 6

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"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

The man put his hand up, his palm making a sizzling noise before a violent outburst of sparks was released. It was a threatening display, but Hizashi didn't listen, releasing a maximum volume "YEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!"

Just as he did that, the man clicked off his hearing aid, looking unimpressed. Hizashi held his head, his own ears leaking blood. He didn't have his headphones with him, leaving him just as unprotected as everyone else.

It didn't do anything... The bastard shut his aid off. What a waste...


The next thing Hizashi knew, he was down on the floor, the white haired man pinning him down with heavy weight on his neck. This man was fast. Hizashi tried pulling his hand off his neck, beginning to panic. He couldn't breathe. The man used his other hand and put pressure on his forehead after clicking his hearing aid back on, then lifting the hand on Hizashi's throat.

"You don't like to listen, do you Mic."

Hizashi gasped, wheezing as he caught his breath. He looked the man in the eye, his own emerald eyes glinting with a combination of fear and anger. He spoke between breaths, still trying to shake this guy off him.

"Fuck... You..."

The man punched Hizashi in the throat, grinning as he stood up and backed away from him, landing a second powerful kick in his side. He coughed violently, tasting blood and gagging. Hizashi turned over, allowing his chest to face the floor. Blood dripped from his mouth as he tried to breathe through the liquid in his throat. Tears flooded from his eyes, more pain being caused by choking on his own silent sobs. Sweat trickled down his body, hair falling into his face and getting stained by his blood.

"I had no idea the pros were really this weak. It's sad."

Hizashi didn't move from his position. He couldn't. All he could do was focus on breathing and getting blood out of his throat. His gag reflex was triggered repeatedly, leaving him to dry heave once there was nothing left to come out.

I'm going to die here...

He rasped his friend's name over and over again, as if it would summon him to this place. The man stood there, entertained by this. He continued talking, but Hizashi was unable to process what he was saying. Everything was becoming a blur. Sight, sound, thoughts, consciousness. He passed out within the minute, begging for Shouta as he blacked out.


As Shouta was returning to the UA campus, he found it odd that Hizashi hadn't come to greet and yell at his as he normally did.

Did he call in today? It would be reasonable, I suppose.

He headed to his homeroom class but was stopped in the hallway by the principal, Nezu. He gave a polite greeting, drinking from his cup of what was hopefully tea.

"Have you anything from Yamada, Aizawa? I take it you two are close, and I have not been able to contact him. It's unlike him to not show up without warning, and I don't take very kindly to this, as teaching is something that I wish our staff to take seriously."

Shouta froze up.

Hizashi, what the hell?

He shook his head at the principal, pulling out his cell to call Hizashi. No response. He called him again, and again, Nezu also dialling him. Shouta was starting to panic,trying to think of what may have happened.

Should I tell Nezu about the condition he was in yesterday? Would Hizashi want that side of himself exposed...

Nemuri walked towards them, noticing the commotion between the two. Shouta looked to her, phone buzzing as his fourth call went unanswered.

"Have you heard from Hizashi?"

He had a frantic look in his eye, hoping that someone, anyone, could get a response.

"I can't say that I have, is there something wrong?"

"He won't return our calls and hasn't shown up."

She pulled out her phone and began calling him herself, unsurprisingly with no response. Nemuri was beginning to look afraid too. Besides Shouta, Hizashi was one of the main people she hung out with. They'd all been to UA together, so they were always around each other.

Shouta let out a shaky sigh, turning to Nezu.

"If you find someone to cover my class, I can go see if he's home."

Hopefully he's just too hungover to be able to call...

Nezu nodded. "Absolutely! I wish you luck and Yamada a safe return!"

Nemuri stood close to Shouta, a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Let me know how it goes, kay?"

At that, Shouta ran back out to his car, jamming his key in the ignition and driving to Hizashi's place. He called a few times as he drove to no avail.

How sick is he?

How much did he actually have last night..?

Scenarios flooded Shouta's mind as he ran into the building, majority of them ending with finding his friend dead somehow. He'd seen that kind of stuff often with his job. Hizashi's van was still parked where Shouta had left it.

He pounded on the door, yelling for his friend to answer it. A passerby in the hallway gave him an odd look, backing away and turning around.

Hizashi, if you make me go all the way around this building I swear to god.

That was exactly what Shouta ended up doing, leaving the complex and climbing up to where Hizashi's window would be. He perched in the window which was still open. More so than he remembered leaving it.

Hizashi wasn't in the room. The blanket was pushed off to the side, nearly falling off the bed. He entered the apartment completely, yelling for Hizashi again. Shouta checked all the rooms, still nothing. He called him, not hearing any kind of loud ringtone, then dialling Nezu, now frantic.

"He's not here. I searched the whole place, and his car hasn't moved."

"Oh dear. I'll get some resources to locate him somehow, although it may take a while. Keep looking around, Aizawa."

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