Chapter 17

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Shouta woke up right as Nemuri threw him on the couch. Hizashi was still on the floor, by the looks of it he had fallen asleep shortly after Shouta told him to stay.  Nemuri backed up and snapped a picture with her cell, giggling.

"The hellya doin here?" Shouta growled, covering his face 5 seconds too late to be useful. "How'd ya gettin here?"

"Are you- Are you serious?" Nemuri scoffed, giggling to herself. "You don't remember me driving you across town, covering your ass when I was explaining to Nezu why you can't work?"

"What are you talking about, 'Muri?"

"Uhhh… Yakuza? The girl? Planning?"

Shouta stared with a blank face, not saying anything.

"I'll explain it later. Have fun throwing up." She bent down and shook Hizashi until he woke up. "Shouta's homeee~"

Hizashi's face lit up as he crawled on over to the couch, half his body on Shouta and the other half on the floor. Nemuri took one final photo and locked the door behind her. He reached for his paper, writing down an indecipherable message that was so sloppy it couldn’t even be considered writing, and shoved it in Shouta’s face.

“The fuck?”

Hizashi kissed him again, allowing himself to be pulled up on the couch, admiring Shouta’s face. He was currently giving Hizashi his signature I Eat Children grin, pulling him completely on top of him so he was laying almost parallel to himself. Hizashi yawned, grabbing Shouta’s shoulders and promptly passing out again, still holding on tightly.

“Get ahold of yourself, Zasshi” Shouta remarked, standing up slowly and hauling Hizashi up with him, carrying him bridal-style in his arms to the bedroom and practically throwing him on the bed before flopping down on it himself, snoring quietly.


Hizashi's alarm woke both of them up, buzzing frantically at 6:40 AM. Hizashi groaned, slapping it until it shut off. Shouta didn't move, still snoring. He felt his head pounding, instantly feeling nauseous.

What even happened last night..?

All he remembered between blackouts was some rather intense kissing between him and Shouta. He was beginning to regret setting his alarm this early in the morning on weekends, especially since he had been drinking on them a lot more often.

Hizashi looked across the bed, noticing how Shouta somehow managed to look even more exhausted than he usually did. He didn't bother to wake him up. He looked so peaceful.

"I can feel you staring at me." Shouta said, not opening his eyes. 

Hizashi jumped, squinting at him.

Was he faking sleeping..? He was just snoring a second ago.

He looked at his phone, noticing a ton of missed calls from Nemuri yesterday evening. He played back the voicemails quietly, all of them nearly the same.

"Get Shouta to answer his phone."

"Zashi, have Shouta call me."

"What are you two doing? Nezu needs Shouta."

"I'm literally going to kill you if you don't answer."

"Alright, I'm coming over to your place. "

Hizashi rolled his eyes, chuckling.

"I'm pretty sure she dragged me to work yesterday," Shouta commented, shuffling off the bed and stretching. "Took her forever to notice that I couldn't work."

Hizashi looked shocked, gesturing to his phone.

"Yeah, she called me a lot too. Needed me for… Something. Not sure. One minute." He began dialling Nemuri, who was complaining about being woken up this early so loud that Hizashi could hear.

She filled both of them in on the general idea of what was happening, and that they found another hero to fill Shouta's spot. Nemuri hadn't told anyone that they were drunk, simply stating that they were unfit to work. They'd have to come up with their own excuse.

"That's horrible…" Hizashi mouthed, shrinking a little. "Poor kid."

Shouta sighed, rubbing his temples as Nemuri told him that they were continuing this tonight, needing him to be there by 8:00 AM to prepare.

He looked to Hizashi solemnly, finishing up the call.
"They're going to act tonight. I have to go. I'm sorry, but this girl needs to be rescued."

Hizashi looked into Shouta's eyes, determined.
"Let me help. I'm not useless anymore."

Shouta gave a soft smile. "We need all the backup we can get. Just promise me you'll stay safe."

Hizashi nodded, running to his closet to get his hero costume ready to go. Shouta had slept in his, so they could leave the second Hizashi was ready.

"Do you still plan on keeping the speaker? Whistling doesn't necessarily work with it like your voice does."

Hizashi nodded. "I don't want people knowing something happened to make me weaker."

Shouta raised an eyebrow, indicating that he didn't understand.

"Hides the injury." He shook his head, swatting the air and walking off to get his signature Banana hair.

This is gonna be brutal. What could possibly go better together than Super Evil Bad Drugs Guy and horrible hangovers.

The duo bolted to Shouta's car, speeding to the address that they were told to meet at, the police station.

Hizashi gave Shouta one last kiss before they ran out to the field where all the heroes, pros and students alike, were meeting up. Nobody seemed shocked to see Hizashi, the fact that nobody but a select few knew what had happened was incredibly comforting.

He was placed in the group that would go headfirst into the base, the same one that Shouta was in, along with a few heroes such as Lemillion, Suneater, Rock Lock, and others. Police backup was present, too.

What if I need to give directions- Oh god why didn't I think of that?! I need to stick close to Sho, he'll have a better chance at understanding me than anyone else.

He reached into his jacket pockets, feeling slightly relieved. He still had the notepad, so he could have an attempt at communicating.

Hizashi pushed up his glasses, put on a confident face, and ran straight into the eye of the monster with the rest of his group.

This is life or death for me. If this new way of using my quirk doesn't work after all, or if I don't get used to it quick…

I'm dead.

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