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Shinobu cursed at herself under her breath. She had forgotten her sketch book in her geometry class. She could have asked to get it but needed to pay attention because there was a test coming up. 

She started writing down notes as one of the new students came in. She noticed her sketch book in his hand. Expecting he would give it to her, she was surprised when he just sat down at a seat and payed attention to the professor.

Oh that little. . . He better not look at any of my drawings. She gave up on writing down notes as all she heard was gibberish coming from the teacher now. She laid her head in her arms and waited for class to end.

She immediately sat up as the bell rang. She forced a smile as she went to Giyuu's desk. "I believe that is mine."She pointed at the book.

Giyuu looked up at her. He would have to tutor her and would at least like her to be a bit more friendly. Plus, he wouldn't mind talking to her more. He got up from his seat, her sketch book still in his hand, and left the classroom.

Shinobu, clearly annoyed, ran after him. She grabbed his arm and attempted to stop him. He kept walking, her attached to his arm like a mosquito. "You draw a lot of butterflies." She let go of his arm, "You looked at them?" Her friendly tone was now gone, "That's not very gentlemen like. You shouldn't be looking through other peoples things." She reached for her book and walked away.

"They were nice drawings though..." But she had already left, not wanting to deal with him anymore. All her thoughts about him being "ravishing"? Gone. His personality was shit.


Shinobu sighed. She looked around the cafeteria for Sanemi and Suma. She found them and was surprised to see Kanae sitting there. She was volunteering at the school, helping out at the library and being a substitute at times. "Kanae!" Shinobu ran to them, tray of food in hand. She smiled as she sat down across from her older sister. 

The group had started talking, Sanemi flirting with Kanae at some point, and Shinobu forgot what had happened that morning. That is until a certain silver/blonde haired male come up behind her. Everyone shut up at the sight of him. "Shinobu-chan! You used to invite me to sit with you." He pouted, and Shinobu looked at him with disgust. 

She would have still liked him if it wasn't for his creepy obsession. She decided she was going to confront him about it soon, she just didn't know how.

"Hi Douma. If you don't mind, can you stop hugging me? I'm trying to eat."

He smiled and let go of her. He sat down next to her not caring about Suma. The table quieted down with him there, but he payed no mind to it. He started talking to them about how beautiful his girlfriend was and how much he liked her. 

Shinobu didn't get how Kanae thought Douma was good for her. But, she was dating Sanemi, so Shinobu knew how bad her taste in men was. The only thing that was attractive about Douma were his eyes. Shinobu could never admit it, but she loved his eyes.

The rest of the day had gone by pretty quickly. It was time for her to leave. She was walking with Kanae car when she suddenly realized. "Oh shoot, I have tutoring!" She looked up at her sister apologetically. "It's fine Shinobu, but I won't be able to pick you up later. Try asking Mitsuri or Suma, okay?"

She nodded, gave her sister a quick hug, and ran back inside. She made it to the library and looked around. "How am I supposed to know who my tutor is? That damn teacher, not being detailed." She walked around the library and eventually gave up. She sat down at one of the tables and brought out her phone. 

She was teasing Sanemi about how he fell in front of Kanae earlier and tried playing it off by saying his shoes were untied. She was about to tease him more when someone sat down in front of her. 

She looked up, and put her phone down. "You!?" She got up from her chair when she saw Giyuu. "I am not getting tutored by you!" He looked at her unimpressed. She was about to leave but stopped. 

Douma was now in the library looking through the books. He didn't see Shinobu but was bound to by were she was. There was no way out of the library. If she left, he would see her and follow her home. 

She looked back at Giyuu with a glare. "Fine, but let's sit somewhere else." She made her way to the back of the library, knowing Douma would soon get tired of his search and not look here.

They sat down at the table and Giyuu brought out a book. It was full of notes from his previous school. "Your handwriting is ass," She chuckled. He ignored her comment and started explaining proofs. 

This is a waste of my time. I could be at home taking a nice bath right now. She thought about the carton of ice cream sitting at home waiting for her. Her mind trailed off, not listening to a word Giyuu was saying. 

Giyuu looked up from the book. His curiosity about her had vanished. He didn't like speaking, yet he spent ten minutes explaining something to someone who wasn't even listening to him. He threw a crumpled up piece of paper at her, waking her up. She glared at him and looked at her phone.

"When does this end? I have other things to do."

Not saying anything else, Giyuu started putting his stuff away. He had to go to the principal and also look for clubs to join. He got up and left the library.

Shinobu also left the library. She left the building and stood at the entrance. Calling Mitsuri, she looked at the scenery around her. Kimetsu High School was in a really beautiful place, which was admired by Shinobu every time she looked at it. 

After calling Mitsuri about three times, she gave up and tried calling Suma.


"Hey Suma! I was wondering if you could come to the school and give me a ride home?" She looked at her watch. It was getting late, and the train station was about a 20 minute walk.

"Sorry, Hinatsuru is sick. Tengen and Makio are out getting medicine for her. I have to stay with her."

Shinobu sighed, "It's fine! I hope she gets better soon." They said their goodbyes and ended the call. She stood there for a second, wondering what to do. 

Maybe I can wait for Kanae and Sanemi to finish their date? Don't know how long that'll take though...

She sat on the ground and stared up at the sky. It was dark out, and the fireflies were around. She looked at them in awe, catching one and admiring it in her hand. The warm light coming from the insect was beautiful. 

She'd always been more of an insect fan. She hated animals. Especially furry ones. 

She sat there for a few more minutes. She did have another option. But she didn't want to resort to it. Douma knew where she lived, but she didn't want him coming inside. The last time they were alone. . . Shinobu didn't want that happening again. 

"Why are you still here?" A familiar yet annoying voice came from behind her. Knowing who it was, she stood and dusted herself off. "Waiting for my sister to be done with her date so she could pick me up." 

She looked at her watch, "Or I'll go on the train."

"It's not very safe for you to go on the train at this time of night."

She glared at him, for what seemed to be the thousandth time today, "Do I look like I have a choice?"

He cleared his throat, "I could give you a ride."

She smiled sarcastically, "Sorry, but I have seen enough of you for today. I think I'll take the train."

He sighed and had a bored look on his face. "No, you're coming with me." He took her bag from her, making her have to follow him. She crossed her arms as she sat in the car.


"Thanks for the ride- I guess." She unbuckled her seat belt and grabbed her things.

He nodded, and drove off when he saw her safely enter the building.

Just A Cliche Love Story? A GiyuShino FanficWhere stories live. Discover now