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Shinobu hadn't seen Douma since that night. She was grateful for it. The next time she saw him, she planned to break up with him.

She thought back to when she had first met him. When she had no hatred towards him, but pure admiration.


Shinobu sniffled, stuck between the racks of clothes. The group of girls from earlier had left, but they had made sure to keep Shinobu there for a while longer. Tying her arms and legs and leaving her there, she was unable to ask for help. 

Douma was with his mom. She was looking for clothes and let Douma wander off as long as he stayed in the same area as her. He went around the store looking for something that could keep him entertained. Hearing someone crying, he walked towards them. His first reaction was jealousy. Oh how lucky they were, being able to have such feelings. Being able to pour out their sadness and the building up dam of tears. His instinct was to make fun of them out of envy. He was going to do so when he finally approached the wailing. . . thing.

He pushed aside the clothes from the rack and stared down at the girl. His hand immediately dropped, and his mouth agape. His heart beat. He felt an array of emotions. He felt flutters in his stomach. Oh how beautiful the sight before him was. He had never felt this way in his life. Correction, he had never felt anything before. This was the first time he had felt such ways. He stayed gawking at her.

Shinobu was relieved when he saw him. She had thought he would promptly help her, but he was just gaping at her. Considering her situation, she let him be for a moment but then got impatient. She needed to find Kanae before she called security. 

She kicked his leg with her tied up feet and put him out of her trance. He kneeled and smiled at her, his colorful eyes shining brightly at her. Now she was the one put in reverie. Shinobu could stare at those eyes for decades. Those rainbow, vivid eyes. She imagined those eyes, looking at her when they were teenagers, adults, and old. She was so lost in her fantasy that she hadn't realized Douma got her out of the ropes. 

She pulled him into a hug and muttered thank you's, his shirt drizzled with her tears. He couldn't have been happier. The girl of his dreams, the one who finally made him feel something, was embracing him. 

They had gotten along greatly after that. Together they had many adventures. Having play dates, giving candy to other children at the dentist, running away from clowns in fear of getting slaughtered. Things were significant. The moments the two had together were noticed by the parents of both, and even by the sister of the girl. 

When they started middle school, Shinobu began developing feelings for him. Douma's feelings for her had been lingering for a while but he waited for the right moment. And soon enough, that right moment came. Douma took notice of Shinobu's head turns away from him, the light blush forming on her cheeks, the glaze over her eyes when he got close to her. 

In their second year of middle school is when it commenced. As he was talking to her, he took her hand into his. Shinobu immediately flushed, and looked to the side. He smirked and stopped in his tracks. He turned to her and brought his hand to her face, making her look at him.

He smiled at her fondly and leaned closer to her, eventually placing his icy lips on her soft warm ones. He pulled away from her, the smile never leaving his face. She stared into his enchanting eyes with shock. A that was her first kiss, and it was Douma. She adored Douma. 

She smiled back at him, face as red as his shirt. She hugged him and the pair had found themselves in a new situation. It was different. Things were less awkward since the beginning of middle school. Both were clingy and wanted the others attention. They had no intentions of looking at other people, finding new people. Both had thought they had found their soulmates. They were happy.

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