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Shinobu and Giyuu had gotten exceptionally close. They even recalled each other as friends now. Shinobu would still tease him, telling him how much he's disliked, but he didn't seem to mind it as much anymore. He grew on her, just like she had on him. 

"Your going to fall."

"No I'm not," Shinobu continued walking backwards and smiled at Giyuu.

"If you do, I'm going to laugh."

"Wah! The stone cold Tomioka Giyuu, laughing!?" She giggled and poked him continuously.
Suddenly, she bumped into someone, falling on her bottom. 

"Told you."

She looked up at him "You didn't laugh."

He reached out his hand to her, "Ha ha." he sarcastically said as he helped Shinobu up and looked to see the person who bumped into her. 

But they had already left. He looked throughout the immense crowd for no obvious reason and returned his eyes back to the girl next to him. He stared into those amethyst eyes; a light blush creeping onto his face. Ever since they had first hung out he was entranced by her. His mind would occasionally wander back to the day in the park, leaving him with a sense of melancholy. 

They were getting a couple of glances. It was a busy street. Families would pass by, kids laughing or throwing tantrums, adults on the phone, students trying to get home. Giyuu and Shinobu had somewhere to be as well, but in that moment, despite all those sideway glances at them, they wanted to stay. They wanted to stay longing into each others eyes in the middle of the street. 

Shinobu had been put under the spell of his ocean-like eyes. His sharp nose. She had always thought she could easily figure out her feelings, but she couldn't in that moment. There were a cluster of feelings deep inside her. But one was urging to get out. One shone brighter than the rest. It was lust.


"Kocho!" Giyuu came to a halt, panting. "Wait up!"

Shinobu laughed as she ran through the woods, looming trees surrounding the two of them. "Hurry up slow poke!"

Giyuu at some point had lost sight of her. He hasd seen her stop here and then go off somewhere. He looked around in a hurry, not familiar with this place, unlike Shinobu. 

To his surprise, a ladder was to his left. He started climbing it assuming  Shinobu was up there. He had reached a plain wooden surface. Shinobu stood there, looking down at the scenery. "Kocho."

"Ah, Tomioka-san. You finally caught up?"

His eyes wandered around. "Is that. . .?" "Yes Tomioka-san. It's a zip line!" She clapped her hands together, "How about we go on it?"

"On. . on the zip line?" He frowns. "What if someone gets mad?"

"Fufu. The zip line is mine Tomioka-san. And it leads to some place that is also mine." She smiled as she prepped herself onto the zip line.

"Kocho. Wait."

"Hmm?" She looked back at him.

"I don't know how-." But Shinobu had already let go, her laughing could be heard throughout the woods.

"..." Giyuu pulled out his phone and searched a quick tutorial. He clipped himself onto the zip line before quickly muttering a prayer and letting go. He expected a slap in the face from the wind, but it was quite peaceful. He took a moment to look around at his surroundings. 

Butterflies. Lots of butterflies indeed. "Mosquitoes suit her better." 

He was nearing a tree house. Is this what she meant was also hers? When he had made it to the surface, he stood there, still clipped onto the zip line. 

"You figured it out! Congrats Tomioka-san! Honestly, I wouldn't have been surprised if I was walking through the woods only to see your body on the ground from the fall!""

He glared at her. "A tree house?" 

"More like a laboratory. I like to make poisons and medicine here. Though I also enjoy looking at the beautiful nature." She pointed down at a ladder. "Down there there's a training field. I occasionally do fencing!"

Giyuu looked around, "Poisons? Did you bring me here to murder me?"

Shinobu laughed, "How could you say such a thing!"

She looked at him, his expression serious. "Did you?" He backed away slowly. She smiled at his cuteness. "Of course not emo."

He approached her desk which was filled with notes about a certain poison. There was a purple flower next to the papers. Before he could get a closer look, Shinobu laughed and pushed him away. "Fence with me Tomioka-san?"

They had spent the rest of the afternoon fencing. Shinobu had taught Giyuu and he was a pretty quick learner. They lazily sparred due to the heat. Although he was busy trying not to get stabbed, Giyuu's mind kept going back to that flower. Shinobu smells like that flower. But he hadn't  seen it around anywhere?

A/N: sorry for the slow updates! getting writers block recently and kind of making the story up as i write lol. where do you think this is going to go? anywhoo, have a nice day/afternoon/night!

also if it's past 1 am go to sleep 😾😾👎👎

Just A Cliche Love Story? A GiyuShino FanficWhere stories live. Discover now