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Shinobu walked through the streets of Japan, thoughts on her mind. She was headed to Douma's house. She kept reminding herself not to go inside, and to talk to him from the front gate.

As she was walking she got a call from Giyuu. Shinobu chuckled at the sight of the contact picture that she had set for him. It was from one of their times in the forest. Giyuu couldn't unhook himself from the zipline and Shinobu wouldn't help him for a solid 10 minutes. She stood there laughing at him. 

"Hey!" She held her phone to her ear. 

"Hi. Where are you? I thought we were fencing today."

"Oh right, I'll be a bit late."


"Um. Just- If I'm not there in, let's say, 30 minutes. Please come to Kizuki Avenue." Shinobu didn't know what to expect of what's to come. She at least wanted someone to be aware of her gone before anything goes worse than last time.

"Okay... See you then."

"Yeah, bye!" She sighed and put her phone in her coat pocket. It was starting to get a bit cold. Summer had gone by, and a new school year had started. 

She neared his house and went over what she was going to say to him in her head. She whipped out her phone and texted him to meet her outside his house. She could see him standing there when she arrived.

"Shinobu-chan!! You finally came to visit me, how lovely!" He opened his arms for a hug. She nodded in greeting not going any closer to him than she already is. "Um, Douma. I-."

"Ah, Shinobu-chan. I already know. You want to come inside don't you? Well, you should have knocked instead of texting me!" He motioned towards the door, "Come in, come in. You've been here multiple times before why be shy now?"

"Douma that's not it. I'm breaking up with you."

His hand dropped as he stared down at her. "What..?" He smiled frantically. "You can't do that. You can't decide on that..." He reached for her arm but she managed to get away from his grasp before it reached her. "Yes I can. If you don't mind, i'll be taking my leave now."

Douma fierce fully grabbed her wrist and pulled her close to him. "No Shinobu.. no you're mistaken. If it's because of what happened last time- Shinobu please!" Shinobu knew her place when it came to physical strength. She had none of it. He squeezed her hand so hard, blood started to form on her delicate soft skin. 

"Douma let me go!" She looked up to him anger oh so visible on her face. Tears were streaming down his face. "Shinobu-chan... we were supposed to be together for eternity..." He hugged her. "Even in the afterlife. Will you stay by me forever Shinobu-chan?" 

She scratched at his icy arms, "Absolutely not! Let me go!!"  Shinobu was practically yelling at this point. She wouldn't be surprised if the neighbors heard. Though, she doubted they'd care. Most of them, anyways. 

"Kocho?" Someone approached them, "Douma what the fuck are you doing." Hakuji stood there, arms crossed over his chest. "And why are you crying? Let Kocho go." He pulled Douma's arm away from Shinobu, freeing her from his grasp.

"Thank you Hakuji-san." He nodded, "Get home safe." 

"Yes, thank you again." Shinobu smiled at him. She took one more look at Douma who was staring at the ground fuming. She then ran away from the scene.It was close to 30 minutes so she texted Giyuu that she was on her way and that he didn't have to come to Kizuki Avenue. She was glad that Hakuji had stepped in and will make sure to inform him of Kyojuro's favorite food. 

Giyuu was sitting on the balcony of the treehouse when she got there. He was looking down at the wisteria trees with curiosity and wonder. The same look had been on hers when she had first saw them. It wasn't soon after that she had started experimenting with them. Eventually going even further with her experiments. 

Creating a poison had gotten her delighted. Then she created a perfume with it since she dearly loved the smell. It had gotten to the point where she learned how to cover the smell of poison and mix it into her tea. If someone asked, she'd say it was herbal tea with a color added. The scent was already unusual, the vibrant purple color of it wouldn't go unasked by anyone. 

This reminded her she needed her daily dose of "herbal tea". "Moshi Mosh!" She smiled as she unhooked herself from the zip line. "Tomioka-san~!"

He looked at her and got up. "Hi, Kocho." He looked at her with a questioning look. "Is it not cold out for you?" Shinobu forgot that she left her jacket at Douma's. It was forced off her while she tried to get away from him. "Ah... it seems I have forgotten it." There was too much on her mind for her to realize the cold weather. 

Giyuu shifted his gaze to her wrist, hesitantly reaching for it. "You're hurt.." The blood had dried but it was still visible. Drops of read with a purple hue on her pants. "It's just a scratch! Say Tomioka-san, isn't it too cold for fencing?"

Giyuu swiftly took off his jacket and handed it to her. "Ara?" She laughed and pushed it aside, "Thank you Tomioka-san, but I'm fine." He started putting it on her, knowing how stubborn she was. After managing getting his jacket on her, they headed down the ladder to the fencing area. 

Again, their time at the treehouse left Hiyuu with more questions. One would be:

Why does Kocho's blood have a purple tint? Why was she injured?"

Just A Cliche Love Story? A GiyuShino FanficWhere stories live. Discover now