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Me and Jayla were in here jeep on our way to the nearest 7-11, it was 11:42. Me and Jayla had been together for a few weeks now, every Saturday night we would go to the same 7-11 and get slushies. Normally it would just be me and her but this time we had her phone on live on tiktok.

user6969- are yall dating?

"yes sir" Jayla said confidently, it filled me with comfort to know she wasn't ashamed to be in a relationship with me.

"alright guys me and Y/N just pulled up at 7-11 so were gonna go get our slushies now, we may go live tomorrow" she said, "by guys" i said waving at the camera. "wanna go get our slsuhies now" she said smiling at me, "sure" i said.

we hopped out the jeep and we held hands walking into 7-11, we hadn't been dating long, but there was something about her that made me want to spend the rest of my life with her.


I have a feeling that Y/N wants to break up with me, she was really awkward while we where on live, she didn't talk much, normally she is always talking.

we walked over to the slushy machine and we got our regular orders, "Y/N?" i said, "yeah jay" she said smiling, "Do you not like me anymore" i asked staring into her eyes, "what made you think that" she said holding my hands, "you just seemed a little off, while were on live in the car", i said, she looked down at the floor then back at me, "i don't like being on camera, i didn't say anything because i knew you wanted to go live" she said looking at the floor again.

"oh Y/N, why didn't you just tell me, if you didn't want to, i wouldn't have gone live", i said pulling her chin up with my hand, i leant in and kissed her, this was the first time we had kissed, she cupped my face and pulled me closer, we both pulled away, "i love you" we both said in sync, we both giggled, our foreheads touching, we went up to the counter to pay for the drinks.

I saw Y/N take out her purse to pay, but i smacked her hand away, "i got this" i said as i handed over the money and we left. We sat in the car in awkward silence, "so do you want to come to my movie premiere" i asked quickly, "yes of course" she said with a bright smile.

Y/N made me happy, she was nice to be around. Im the only girl in the house, besides my mum, but im talking about us kids. I feel less lonely when she comes round, i mean don't get me wrong i love my brothers to death, but i feel like i can open up more to her then i can too them.

"Do you wanna sleep over" i blurted out, if she says yes, this will be our first sleepover as a couple, i always had feelings for her, even when we were just friends, its obvious she felt the same way because well here we are.

"um yeah, let me just text my mum to bring some clothes round" she said getting her phone out her pocket, "don't bother you can have some of mine, im sure they'll look better on you anyway" i said, i saw her blush, she looked away, " thanks jay you really are my hero" she said dramatically. I love this girl.

We pulled up on the driveway to my house, it was 12:26 now, so everyone should be asleep, javon probably isn't, he's probs watching Elsa and Lola edits.

I walked into her house, hung my jacket up on the wall and then we walked up the stairs our fingers interlocked, i loved her, my brothers loved her they saw her as another older sister, but one they can mess around with more because they weren't actually related.

i went into my wardrobe grabbed some sexy pyjamas for Y/N and my regular pj's for myself.

she was watching edits of me? omg? was she as head over heels for me as i was for her. i acted like i didn't see anything, "here" i said chucking the pj's in her face, "thanks" she said, she walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind her.


The pj's Jayla had given me where very.... revealing. She gave me a crop top with booty shorts, i don't even wanna know why she owns these.

i walked back out into the bedroom, "meow, you look fine as fuck" Jayla said with a smirk. i launched myself next to her on the bed, "you know i love you right" i said staring at into her eyes, and then at her lips, before she had a chance to respond i gently placed my lips on hers. It started off as just kissing but then we started making out, she was kissing my neck as i caught my breath. Then we swapped over, i left small hickeys all over her neck before we turned the lights off and went to sleep.

<3 WC:880 xo

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