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I am sitting on a couch high as fuck, I took a bag of drugs out of my bra, lined it up and got ready to snort it, when someone came over and blew it on the floor, "hey what the fuck man" i said, i looked up and met eyes with ashtray, "come on Y/N you know that shit kills you" he said, "shut up, its not like im gonna OD, you owe me free drugs now" i said smiling. "No i fucking don't, you owe me your life, because I just saved it"

He looked furious, "stop taking them, it will kill you" he said, slouching down in his chair, "hopefully it does" i mumbled, "what was that" ashtray said, "what are you?, suicidal?" he said, i felt his eyes burning into the side of my head, "im not suicidal, i just have a lot on my plate, i just wanna get out of this life" I said looking at the floor.

My dress stinks, the fabric is soaked in alcohol, it stinks of weed. "im going to the bathroom" i said getting up before ashtray had a chance to respond, as i walking i stumbled into walls. When i made it to the bathroom i fell to my knees and threw up i the toilet, "you alright in there" i heard a familiar voice say, "im fine, now fuck of Ashtray" i said moving my hair that was stuck to my face.

I heard the door open and then close, i felt arms pull me up, "you need to have some water" Ashtray said, he picked up some empty cup of the floor, rinsed it and then put fresh water in it, "why are you taking care of me" i said looking him in the eyes as i took a sip out of the cold water. He didn't respond and he just looked at me.

I started breathing really fast, my heart was going a million miles an hour, Ashtray layed me down in the bath tub as he put 2 fingers on my neck, "Oh my god, Y/N your pulse is going off the roof" he said, his eyes wide, "No really, i didn't notice" i said sarcastically.

Was i dying?, Was this the end? Was ashtray right, was this killing me?

These thoughts ran through my head as the world went dark


I woke up in a bed that wasn't my own, I wasn't wearing my own clothes eather, i had never been in this house before, i jumped out of the bed and darted for the door, i peered my head around the corner and i hear 3 voices coming from downstairs. I slowly walked down the stairs and it seemed like all they were doing was watching TV.

I looked around the corner and saw a girl with big lips sitting on a counter, i saw ashtray leaned back in an arm chair, and some ginger guy smoking a joint.

I went to walk for the front door, when i sneezed, "what was that" the girl on the counter said, "i don't know, it was probably just ash's girlfriend upstairs" the ginger man said, "I'll go check, I ran back up the stair and dived into the bed, "Y/N?" I heard ashtray say, "yeah" i said quietly, "you alright" he said, sitting next to me on the bed, "yeah, how long was i out for" i asked, "18 hours, are you hungry" he asked, "a little" in reality i was starving. "why don't we go to McDonalds and then you can go nuts" he said smiling at me, we both jumped out of the bed and went to McDonalds.

I have never seen this side of Ashtray before, i see him roaming the corridors, rage in his eyes. He is normally mean and never talks to anyone, what's so different about me?

"Ashtray, i see you beating the shit out of people at school, i see you talking rudely to everyone you see, what's so different about me?" i questioned, "your not like the rest, you keep your mouth shut, and plus your pretty" he said, i felt myself burn a dark shade of red, "your blushing" he said smirking, i quickly hid my face and looked out the window, "you don't look to bad yourself" i said giggling when i said it. We made it to the car park, it was absolutely chucking it down, rain was creating deep puddles, "get ready to run" ash said as he opened his car door, we were half way to the entrance when ashtray pulled my arm and smacked his lips onto mine, i was flabbergasted.


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