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Me and Javon were sitting in the hair and makeup trailer, we were about to film the scene were Tiana(your charecter) and ashtray have their first kiss.

I dont think Javon is freaking out about this, but I certainly am, I mean I have kissed other guys before but I like Javon.

Not like as in as a friend, but more, I like like him.

In the scene Tiana goes to see Fez because Rue went back to rehab, little did she know that the absence of her sister(rue) hurt her a little more than she leads on.

Ashtray comforts her and Tiana starts having a panic attack and that's when ashtray kisses her.

"Ok guys were ready for you" i heard the director say.


Me and javon walked out on to set and got in our positions.

(This next part is going to be in charecter)

I ran towards fezco's store, I walked in, "Fez man what the fuck, how could you let this happen" I shouted, "let what happen", "Rue just got taken back to Rehab, I thought you said you were going to try keep her clean" I said tears falling down my face.

"I tried ok, she is an addict, she'll do anythin for drugs" he said.

"You said she was different, that you liked her enough to try and help her" I said, hot tears streaming down my face, Fezco didn't respond.

"You gon all quiet now cause you know I'm right" I said, fezco walked out and ashtray came in.

"Hey babe, what's wrong" ashtray said, speed walking over to me. "Rue got taken back to rehab" I said, falling to my knees.

"Hey its going to be alright" ashtray said as he rubbed my back, my breathing sped up, and tears fell faster and faster.

Before I had time to speak again, ashtray smashed his lips on mine, which automatically calmed me down.



I ran off set, that was so awkward, Tiana and Ashtray had their first kiss, and me and javon just had our first kiss together, that may have been Javons first kiss, but I wouldn't know, we don't talk about that kind of stuff.

When I reached my trailer I felt a hand wrap around my arm.

"We need to talk" I heard a familiar voice say, "about what" I said with an attitude, "the kiss" Javon said looking into my eyes.

"What about it" I said not making eye contact, "i know you like me, and you should know I like you" he said.

I felt my face burn red.

Before I had time to even fully process what he just said he kissed me but this time the love was there, it wasn't fake, it was pure.

I pulled away and we both just smiled, our foreheads still touching.

Just a short one cause why not.

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