Part 17

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I took a shower and laid down waiting on Kev to come home.. it's like 6:00p. I said I wasn't going to cook but I'll cook something quick.
I texted him and asked him when he's coming home and he said he'd be home in about an hour, so I just continue cooking. I put me on some jams to get in my groove.

"YOU GONE CRYYYY, YOU GONE PAY ME IN TEARS", I sung so loud I'm sure the whole neighborhood heard me. K. Michelle did her big one with that song!

I was scrolling through my phone on facebook and I looking through the people you may know list and saw that dude from the mall. I clicked on his page and saw that he was mutual friends with Kev, then I heard Kev unlocking the door.

"Yesssirrr it smell good in here!! I smell some soul food cooking" he said.

"And do! And is! I cooked some cornbread, macaroni, collard greens, mashed potatoes & baked bbq chicken" I said.

"You trying to get married ain't ya" he said.

I ran off to the bathroom holding my mouth and threw up in the toilet.

"Bae you good? You didn't get sick because I said something about marriage did you?" He said following me to the bathroom.

I shook my head as I continued throwing up. He was holding my hair back. I got up and went to the room and laid down. I don't know why I threw up this is very random. I laid there and drifted off to sleep.


I woke up and didn't see Kev in the bed so I texted and called him to see where he was, he didn't answer so I kept calling and each time it went straight to voicemail.

The worse came to mind. I hope it's not another female. I done called him about 100 times. Here it is 1:00 and I hear keys unlocking a door and two people drunk laughing. I went in the living room and saw It was him and that dude I saw at the mall. I couldn't think of his name. He was making eye contact with me so I went back to the room and didn't say nothing to Kev.

They was in the living room smoking, playing music and throwing dice. Then he left after a hour.

I heard Kev footsteps coming to the room. I just laid there.

"mmmm looking at my caramel chocolate Queen" he said laying his whole body on mines making me feel his dead weight and smell his drink breath.

"Get off me", I said shoving him off me.

"Dang what's up with you? I can't get no love?" He said drunk smirking.

"I tried calling your phone to see where you was and you didn't answer.." I said with a attitude.

"Aye chill with all that, my phone was dead" he said.

"No I'm not going to chill you could have easily texted me before you left or some" I said.

"But you was-" he started to say.

"But nothing I'm about to just go back to sleep cause obviously you're to drunk to comprehend" I said while turning the other way.

"Iight bet" he said while getting his clothes and getting in the shower. He slept in the living room too. But I don't care.


I woke up and had the urge to throw up. I realized I didn't eat anything last night so nothing was coming up. I felt so horrible I ended up taking a shower and putting some clothes on to go to the hospital. I heard Kev was still snoring and I'm not telling him I'm gone or nothing.

I took my shower and finally got my clothes on after gagging and throwing up absolutely nothing. I got to the hospital, I got checked in and filled out the paper work and gave it to the front desk rep.

"Ms. Justice Hayes" the nurse called.

I got up and went to the back with her.

"How are you sweetie?" She said.

"I'm fine" I said while walking in the room.

"Just have a seat on the table and the doctor will be here shortly" she said closing the door.

I hope I'm not pregnant.

I heard a knock on the door.

"Hey I'm Dr. Renee Scarhow, how are you feeling today?" She asked.

"I'm okay I guess. I threw up yesterday out of the blue and when I woke up this morning I threw up but nothing came up. My stomach has also been feeling a lil weird lately" I said.

"When was your last period?" She asked.

"I honestly don't remember" I said.

"Are you sexually active? And are you using protection?" she asked

"Yes ma'am and no I haven't been using condoms lately" I said.

"Okay im going to order for a urine pregnancy test and get some blood samples to rule out everything, just stay here I'll be right back" she said.

"Okay" I said.

She came back with a pregnancy test and stuff to draw my blood. She sat down and started typing in the computer asking me questions.

"Have you been sexually abused in the last 3-7 months?" She asked while looking at me waiting to type my answer.

"Yes" I said while tearing up and crying.

"It's okay sweetie, I understand" she said while giving me some tissue. "Now I'm going to go ahead and get some urine from you and draw your blood okay? After I draw your blood you can go to the bathroom and pee for me, does that sound okay?" She said calmly.

"Yes" I said.

She drew my blood and gave me the cup to pee in, I gave it to her and she put a stick in the pee. And told me to wait about 5-10 mins for the results.

I'm anxious, scared and nervous as I stared at the stick. Them two lines gone change everything in my life. 10 mins passed by and she looked at the results I didn't want to I was to scared.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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