|Neglected| Xander Hawthorne|

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This is the first requested story by @Jordynherondale

The story is about Y/n who is friends of the Hawthornes and lives with them, she dates Xander who is the same age as her (17), her best friends are Jameson, Libby and Nash. Basically Xander gets sick but he doesn't tell anyone because he doesnt want to burden anyone with it.

Xander's pov:

I wake up, feeling like my mind is exploding. I pull the covers back over my head as the lights make it hurt more. I finally work up enough courage to get up. I don't bother making my bed or opening my blinds, instead i just through my uniform on and head downstairs. I reach the kitchen and find everyone already eating without me.

"Jesus, you ok?" Y/n asks me with a concerned frown. "Yeah?" I say confused "Why?" Everyone turns to me as i walk to sit next to her. "Your really pale" i shrug it off, my head still hurts but it isnt that bad, probably just didnt get enough sleep.

I start eating and can only manage a piece of toast, no butter or anything else. "Now i know somethings wrong" she jokes as i usually eat plates full. I dont laugh, but everyone else does. I finish the toast and head upstairs to brush my teeth. I finally see myself in the mirror only to find a ghost staring back at me. I really am pale. Maybe i should start going to bed earlier. I force myself to walk down the stairs and into the car. "Seriously are you ok?" Y/n asks as i take my seat next to her in the car. Avery in front next to Oren, Jameson on Y/N's left and me on her right. Oren starts the car. "Im fine" i huff, starting to get annoyed with her.

My nose begins running and making me feel how i look. I barely even notice my cough progressing until Thea nudges me in robotics "Hey, whatever disease you have, i dont want it so stop coughing." My throat burns with each cough.

Lunch finally arrives and i try to keep to myself.

Y/N's pov:

I stalk the halls trying to find Xander. I haven't seen him all day and i want to make sure he's ok. I try the robotics room, the canteen and even the library. When im in the library i run into Avery and Jameson.

"You havent seen Xander have you?" I ask. "Not since this morning. Is everything ok with him?" Jameson asks. "I don't know, he keeps insisting he's fine and he wouldnt lie. He's probably just stayed up all night to build a robot or something and is facing the consequences." Avery laughs and i head out. 

Xanders pov: 

I skip lunch and just sit outside school on a bench. The cool air feels nice but i know it'll just make me feel worse later on. I successfully avoid everyone all day and walk home alone, which definitely isnt a good idea because im completely drained when i get home. I run up the millions of stairs and flop into my unmade bed before even changing. Eventually sleep comes.

Y/N's pov:

"Where's Xander?" Nash asks as we all sit around the table for dinner, his empty chair stares at me. "I dont know. I havent seen him since this morning and i was about to ask you the same thing." I shrug. "I would bet money that he's playing with robots and lost track of time, save his food and he can get it later." Grayson says.

*Time jump to next day*

Xanders pov:

I force myself out of bed again and realise it isnt a lack of sleep, i think i have a cold of some sort. I read my phone, two texts from Nash, 8 from Y/n and a few missed calls. 

Nash 🐷

Where are you? Dinners ready.

Left your dinner out.

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