|All night| Jameson Hawthorne|

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This one i thought of myself. This will be a multiple part one if all goes well. Its from Y/N's pov the whole time. Basically she is Avery and Libby's little sister, she is in this massive like love square where Avery likes Jameson AND Grayson, they both like Y/N and she likes both (after a while) but she knows Avery likes both so feels like she cant act on it. Woah that was confusing to explain. Basically its set three days after she moves in after, Avery's first day of school, Y/n starts school a day later. Anyway, ive probably just confused you more but uhmmm yeah. Enjoy.


I wake up in Avery's room on her bed as she sleeps soundly on the couch beside it. Through blurry eyes I look at the clock and blink until the time becomes clear. 3:11am. I celebrate silently as this means I have another four and a half sweet hours of rest. We only went to sleep at around 1am because of our monthly tradition of high school musical marathons. Libby must've made it into her own room before going to sleep however I didn't have that luxury. I flop back down onto the soft and fluffy pillows. My eyes shut and I almost fall asleep but before I am granted that luxury, I find myself falling and immediately jolting awake. I hate when that happens. Once again, my eyes go to the clock, 3:13am. Yet again my eyes close and my head meets the pillows. This time, sleep doesn't even come close to visiting. I keep my eyes closed for what feels like hours, praying sleep will come but it never does. I open my eyes yet again and look towards the clock I've looked at far too many times. 3:34am. Rather than spending another 20 minutes desperately awaiting rest, I decide to get up for a glass of water. 

I carefully remove the thick duvet off me and move towards the door. I try to stay silent as I creak the door open slightly, I'm met with the confused and concerned face of Oren as well as the night guard who had previously been speaking with each other. "Can't sleep" i explain briefly, he approves with a quick nod before continuing his conversation. I make my way out of the wing with ease but by the time I'm out, I'm completely lost. This place is like a castle, every room is bigger than Lib's house back home. All the lights are off and there could be someone right behind me and I wouldn't know. I turn left then right until I'm at my own room, but this isn't where I'm aiming to go. 

Once I'm in my room I grab my phone and activate the torch and leave my room yet again. This time I know exactly where I'm going and how to get there. I turn left, then right, another right, straight ahead then I am met with the familiar staircase. I rush down and almost tumble on the third from last step but catch myself. I make a left then through a door until I'm in the kitchen, I switch my torch off and place my phone inside the deep pocket of my gray sweats. I'm met with the kind face of Mrs Laughin alone in the kitchen. 

"Hello Y/n, everything okay?" She asks with a smile. "Yeah, I'm just getting a glass of water. Can't sleep" i justify. I smile picking up a glass and moving towards the sink, "Oh don't be silly, I'll do that" she says. "That's okay, I'll be out of your hair soon" I laugh, "Nonsense" she laughs back. Mrs Laughin is a friend of the Hawthorne's and does a lot around here, I think she must be doing a night shift in the kitchen tonight. "Goodnight" I say before exiting. "Goodnight dear" she replies. 

I carry the glass of water upstairs with me, ditching the torch until I'm at the top of the stairwell. I remove it from the pocket and turn it back on, this time I almost drop my water when I'm met with the second from youngest Hawthorne brother. I curse under my breathe as my water slightly spills down the edge of the cold glass. He does this too, clearly alarmed by my presence. "What are you doing up at this time!" I scold quietly as I wipe the sleeve of my sweater around the class to capture any spilt liquid. "I could ask you the same thing" He scolds back. I don't know him very well and I've never had a conversation with just him, he seems pretty crazy like he's always chasing after something, to be fair i only met him 3 days ago and I've already heard bad things about him. He is the second from youngest of the four boys (Nash is 22, Grayson is 19, Jameson is 18 and Xander is 17) I'm youngest of us three girls (Libby is 22, Avery is 17 and I'm 16 but I'm 17 in like a week). 

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