|So High School| Jameson Hawthorne| 🔥🔥🔥

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(So Jameson and Victoria have been together for a year now. She's stubborn but he's playful, changing each other in all the best ways and embracing other parts. Victoria plays soccer, Jameson is a literal genius as we know — Hence 'You know how to ball, I know Aristotle'. They are both 17)

Jameson and his brothers watch me from the stands, cheering me on. But this team is aggressive and I doubt we'll beat them. My team sort of just gave up when they realized how fierce our opposition was, but not me. 

I raise my hands into a T position to call for a timeout which the referee allows. The girls and I all huddle around, me being their captain.

"What the hell is wrong with you guys!" I say furiously. "It drowning with rain and they're gonna beat us regardless." One of my team mates says.

"If I lose you're all fucking dead. Okay? This is a national game! It's broadcasted live! If you ruin my scholarship i'll actually kill you." I boom. They sheepishly nod, "They're recording this conversation." Someone reminds me. "Well let's hope your parents aren't watching to see you being pussy's and confessing to giving up." I say forcefully.

"Am I clear?" I ask, everyone nods, "Let's get back out there then."

"Let's go!" I yell at the top of my lungs. My team and the stands of audience all cheers and screams in response, showing me they've got their heads back in the game.

The whistle blows and there's a very clear change in the way my girls are playing. I score two goals and catch us up to the other team. With 4 minutes remaining we do all we can to get a winning goal.

I can hear my family and friends cheering from the stands. I make eye contact with the girl on the opposite team in possession of the ball, I manage to take control of the ball and dribble it quickly in the direction of their goal.

That's when the furious girl I got the ball from runs for me, then she forcefully grabs the back of my jersey until I'm pulled back and strangled by it. She throws me to the side, attempting to get me out the way in a very illegal move. 

It makes me collapse and my ankle to roll completely over itself until the crunch of the bone echoes. When I'm on the floor she aggressively kicks my stomach, making me feel like throwing up. 

I hunch over, ready to throw up everywhere. Her studded boot re collides with my gut at least four more times before the whistle blows and 3 girls from my team detain her and pull her off me. 

I clutch my stomach, my eyes squeezed closed as I wait for it to come up. I can hear every single person groan with disgust when I spew all over the pitch.

Pained and exhausted, I flop back down onto my back and lay there with my hands in my hair. 

Two medics run across the pitch to me. My coach as well joins me to see if I can go on. The cameras all huddle around to get different angles. My team all huddle around to see if I'll be able to play or not.

I see Jameson jump the fence and run towards me. "Hey off the pitch kid!" The referee booms at him. 

"I'm the team's official water boy." He lies, the referee lets him go despite the shitty excuse and he makes it over to my side.

"You're an awful liar." I manage to grit out despite the excruciating pain. "Waste your dying breaths saying something useful, Jackass." He teases as he ruffles my soaking wet hair around.

"You're a dick." I growl with an inevitable smirk.

"Oh to be young and in love." One of my teammates teases.

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